I Do Not Miss Password Screens...

in #gaming6 years ago

Hey fellow geeks,

How is your night going? Who is only half-reading my post because they are busy playing fortnite at the moment?

Let's talk about passwords. And yes this applies to only old school games as I cannot even think of an example of a modern game that uses them. but if you can think of one please let me know in the comments. You remember passwords in old Nintendo and Super games. Sometimes they were easy, a couple of letters to remember or jot down and then reenter when it was time to play them. But some of them were not so easy. They were a long string like it was a bitcoin wallet address :p. Yes bitcoin gaming humour. And some required a chart.

I remember having sheets around the house for different games. I had a system for Mega Man. At first I would use a chart that I made myself to represent the password screen. But then I moved to a b5, e4, f1 type system that was similar to battleship.

Also, and maybe it was just me, I never used passwords for levels i didn't make it to. Like you had to make it there yourself or it didn't count. Was it just me? Or were you flipping through the Nintendo Power magazine and copying the codes down?

I got to say I don't miss them, especially now that crypto is here and I got enough passwords to worry about :p.

How about you?



Before the internet, you had to have 'That Friend' who had all the passwords and cheat codes. I agree that getting a password from actually earning it was a better feeling. I don't miss passwords, it was a part of our gaming evolution though.

lol I think I was that friend :p

I think i played some of those games, the early GTA series maybe, some cheatcodes...

its sad tho that I wasn't upportuned to play such games as a kid tho, and the games I play now such as fifa 18 and cod4 dont have passwords

This post has received a 32.77 % upvote from @boomerang.

Nunca tuve la oportunidad de jugar nitendo pero mi esposo se encarga de recordarme lo fabuloso y mágico que era jugar y tener un aparato de esos... quizá me atreva algún día a competir con el... bueno quizá empiece por aprender jejeje

The last line of the text got me bad...
But, I do miss game passwords really, especially the legendary Konami code

I dont miss password screens one bit. What i do miss, however, are good old fashioned cheat codes.

Very enlightening writing.
best regard. follow back me, thanks

I do not miss them either, though having the perspective of pretending you are playing battleship to remember a password is kinda a fun turn...kinda ;)

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