in #gaming7 years ago

Good day steemians, welcome to my blog. Today we're going to do a game review on Tiny troopers 2. In case you missed my last post were I shared a game review on Sword of justice. You can still check it out here
So today we will be doing a game review on Tiny troopers 2

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Tiny troopers 2 is an action game and a bit of minor game too that displays it's uniqueness in an outstanding way, so that's to say that the game carries a lot of great features within it. The tiny troopers 2 is also a game with a 3d graphical design on it although didn't looked much that way but readily everything there about it's graphics were quite competent and has a lot of superiority within it as well.
There again, The fundamentals of the game are all the same, but it’s the little things that matters mostly and the little things that Tiny Troopers 2 themselves has added are what makes all the differences behind them. One of the biggest complaints that people had about the game on the initial release was about the permanent deaths on every levels giving it's users a high level of horrifying elements. What could be the point of upgrading the characters and spending all that money made from playing the game on them if once they die. So that’s all about it. And It may be more realistic in the other way of it but really not as always. Tiny Troopers 2 is really not a single player game but personally looking at it I've come to see that it has the basic characteristics that is always involved in every multiplayer game and this also made it have some good features that displays normally on it's gameplay resulting to be in the form of a multiplayer game while it's not, but if at all it was a multiplayer game I'm absolutely sure that it'll likely to have a lot of great influence and also it will increase the competitiveness as two or more people can dare themselves to a challenge which will make the game More fun and interesting to play cause that's the actual part of a game that every user always enjoying playing. systematically, the game has become one of the most favorite party game of all time were you can use a variety of weapons to kill your opponents. It's actually a fun active game just like me and my friends were going crazy for the game because of how it plays differently from other aspect of other games as it's not really a game that needs much of ability rather quite a few of skills to reach at it's end point.

The game has many things of it that made it become one of the best special ops games ever and really a good one to say cause there's equally much of visibility on the game, so I found it to be a Perfect game that was designed in a very good standard way that added much of importance to the game. And that's how the users kept having a frequent visit on the game. So that's it.

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Tiny troopers 2 game like I said earlier is a kind of a minor game that distinguishes the basic facts of how it's been played into another mode as you'd equally get to enjoy it better off than what you might have actually had in mind mostly depending on how it's also categorized to be cause readily speaking there's really much to do about on the game and it's activities happened to be the best but wasn't fun a lot as expected. There again, the good about the game is the Adorable presentation and the great character designs that ultimately made the game and it's gameplay a lot Great also the gameplay especially and the shooting mechanics. You can also use hidden collectables to buy new items in the store. Zombie survival mode is just all sorts of fun when you play the game extensively and go into more levels. Actually If you’ve played the first Tiny Troopers game which is the first released, then expect to find more of the same here in Tiny Troopers 2, which is not necessarily a bad thing as most of every features on the first one and the second one looked so like the same.

The tiny troopers game was released on the March 28 2013 and looking at this date, it was quite a long time now as it's over many years now but to tell you they've being doing quite amazing ever since it was released both on the visibility aspect, the positive reviews and nice comments made by users who've equally played the game, so extensively everything about it is positive. The visibility aspect of the game happened to be among the Best of it that added to the qualities of the game. So right now the game the game has a maximum amount of 10 million downloads on play store and still counting cause literally there's so much more about the game and it also happened to be that most people found the game as a game that looked a lot outstanding on all parts of it. And I also like the fact that it has some good simple levels to play so that's sounded a lot fantastic when playing the game.

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Tiny troopers 2 game was created and developed by chillingo inc which as well are the developers of other fantastic games like the iron force, the battle copters, and the war friend PvP game. so basically all their games are absolutely perfect and played very much in a significant way that tends to bring out more fun from oneself. the Game also has it's first version that was released before the second one but to make things easier the first release didn't really played fantastically like that of the second one now and this made it have less visibility so the developers now took the stand and created the second version immediately. I say kudos to you chillingo developers for such an awesome work done here. After the release of the game were some few things and features that got added up to it that eventually made the gameplay more interesting and fun to play. The newly things and features that got added up to the game weren't much but could be just few of them or less but just so you know they all did a great work and functioned well too. So here are the newly features that got added up to the game after the release; they've beautified the graphics more to an excellent one. They've upgraded the user interface as the short form for it is the ui. They've fixed the bugs. And lastly they've upgraded the game to a standard one as that could be the last actual part of it. So as everything got added up to the game it really makes a lot difference and now to say the game functions very well now. So that's all about it.

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Speaking about the gameplay, the gameplay of tiny troopers 2 was quite an easy one as it has no much unchallenging things on it but the shooting aspect and the moving part seems to be a lot different from what the actual game itself might conduct. So that part had a little change and it wasn't bad in anyway rather they all sounded good and played perfectly in a fantastic way. Everything under the gameplay sounded so much good and fantastic though at times can really be a tough one when you get into more levels of the game depending on the type of skills you've generated as at the time of playing the other previous levels. So actually the gameplay mostly involves shooting and nothing more there concerning fighting whereby the actor gets a gun and go shoot the enemies using his gun as he follows the arrow giving him directions on where to go about, it also plays the major role of giving tutorials as a first timer whereby you'd get to shoot a wall stick and not really a human, doing this will equally give you more skills and enable you to fight vigorously on the real gameplay itself, so this and all adds to the importance of the game. There again, the game features three different operationals seven missions piece, and a fourth blizzards themed operation that’s promised for a future title update. Most of the missions on the game will gently revolve around you getting from the Point A to Point C, and while eliminating whole infantries or destroying any of the enemy like towers along the way. you can also shoot for collectable dog tags and rare war medals during each mission you reach or anyone you come along with and each map is very generous to as how you might play the game so lastly about it in Tiny Troopers 2, if you should come across them while you play, then you’ll equally be able to afford some of the higher items in the game store which always good to upgrade and purchase and give your body more equipments. So overall the gameplay is interesting and fun to play.



Speaking about the graphics, the graphics of the game is purely good and perfect. There isn't really much of anything there but the graphics really is something and that adds to the feel of the game as you'd equally play a game with good designs and graphics. The environments and surroundings of the game looking so beautiful with the green colours all over them which tends to actually say that it's a military game so mostly every colours should be on Green and that was awesome cause the designs was just so outstanding. The graphics is really astonishing and also seems to be the best part among the game positively based on the reviews and comments by it's users too so that makes no difference cause other players seems to have known this too as it has the best qualities. Mainly, The good about the graphics is the smooth designs that the soldiers have and how they also move fluidly and look good. Also, The character models are good and textures aren't too blurry. The blood is kind of realistic too as it splattering and stays there for the rest of the game. And that's all about the graphics of the game. So overall the graphics of the game is good.

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Speaking about the sound, the sound of tiny troopers 2 game was really cool and a fun one as well, the funny part which is the kind of sound it makes is what I really like most about the game, whereby a player could just reach at a point of where he/she was direct to be immediately as you reach there you'd get a loud voice saying all sorts of funny things that is quite good but that was just a thing of "welcome Sir" to the player but spoken in another language if theirs. The sound in the tiny troopers 2 game is absolutely excellent. The sound effects are great and sounded so realistic. Like the funny part as well. the moans of the soldiers and the dieing aliens of enemies are brilliantly designed. The soundtrack really isn't all there but adds to the feel of the game. Also,The voice acting is quite moderate at best but can be forced and slowly. So the developers also did well in giving their best to the game. They also made the sound of the game have a leveling point and that made it to know when to play at low and higher way. So overall the sound of the game is cool and fun.


• Handcrafted music and good graphics.

• Lighthearted strategy with tactical battles. Nice and easy to play as always.

• A ten hut.

• Lock and roll!

• Various types of enemies, each have a different behavior and ability.

• Survive the horde.

• Special forces

• awesome 3d graphics

• many items can collect and upgrade.

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• Developer......Chillingo

• Version.......1.3.8

• Offered by......chillingo

• Released date.....March 28 2013

• Platform...... Android, iOS.

• Category...... Action

• Content rating.......16+

• Language........ English

• Genre..... Shooting

Available on play store!


• Gameplay....... 9/10

• Graphics.........8/10

• Sound...... 8/10

• Controls...... 8/10

• Scare factors......5/10

• Content..........8/10

• Storyline..........8/10

Overall rating.........9/10

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In overall, the tiny troopers 2 game is really a nice game to play and also has lots of other great things behind it. It's also a funny game because of how the soldiers does welcome the game actor. The bad side of the game is that it Plays safe. Just a One-touch controls can sacrifice your visibility of the screen. Frustrating difficulty in some of the tank based missions. so that's it. Overall if you're a lover of shooting minor games then I'll gladly recommend you play this one. So go get it. Thanks!!

Thanks for reading!!

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Check my previous reviewed games











IMG-20170927-WA0031.jpg Thanks to @jodipamungkas for the awesome badge.


Thanks to @chimzycash for this lovely badge




Resteem and



Goodluck to you as you gambol this game.

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