in #gaming6 years ago

Good day steemian gamers, welcome to my blog. Today we're going to do a game review on Forces of freedom. In my last post was were I shared a game review on Mission Berlin. You can still check it out here
So today we will be doing a game review on Forces of freedom

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Forces of freedom is an early access action game that basically involves shooting as you'd get to be a soldier and take part in taking down all the enemies of your opponents. There again like I said it's about taking down all your opponents it actually means that it's also a free to play real-time 5v5 team multiplayer action game and as well a third-person shooter that takes various of heavy inspiration from the realistic online multiplayer war games. But if In this case that you can battle it out in real times in teams of up to five players in expansive settings then probably it wouldn't seem much of that way in assessment as everything can possibly turn out from the negative side into the positive side of the game respectively.

Actually, the Forces of Freedom is typically a tactical team combat game that is currently in the Early Access of multiplayer combat gaming. There on the game is were you'll have to play in the aspect of a cta sniper or a rifleman in a PVP abd a MMO game with quite an authentic military soldiers from across the globe and across the timelines. Whereas, Starting in the time of 1960s up to today’s special forces games seen so far, Forces of Freedom is typically an intense combats over multiple maps and many more of game modes so all this actually made the game so much fantastic as people so do see it as one of the best games that features a multiplayer combat gaming. So there the game and other aspect of it has been designed to keeping in mind about the modern warfare techniques displayed overall. It features a slick gameplay with enough action to keep your motive pumping every step of the way.

This action game has some nice graphics on it as well and the environments in which the missions are staged are very detailed and mirror realistic situations. Despite being challenging at times, the controls of forces of freedom aren't that difficult. Even if you haven't played a first person shooting games in the past, I'm quite sure it won't take much time for you to get used to the controls. And again You're been offered three different storylines to play in this game each having several missions to complete but it's good with the way it's done serially so as to enable the player to have time for the rest of each of every levels needed to be completed.


The forces of freedom game has really done so much good to it's users and the Best part of making it impressive is the multiplayer aspect as that part happened to be the most endorsed part of the game. There on the game aside the most developed things on it, the game developers has introduced the renewed map Coastline as it not only that but it also came with several high grounds and flanking points, it’s typically an ideal rifleman/sniper combat arena gaming concepts. The game uses Google play games as it's required to be on the device before the game can easily function well though it's really not necessary neither is it a must but just so you the Google play games actually calculates your levels and gives you a better rate of each performance made on every stage you come about on the gameplay aspect.
It also plays a good role in giving out directions to it's initial users as that part is mostly needed on every game cause of a first timer. So in general, there's actually much to be said about the game just the way I'm doing so, and it's just a nice game.

The forces of freedom game was released on the February 21 2017 and looking at this date it typically shows that the game was released not long ago as now it was released like probably about a year ago but to tell you ever since the game was released it has been doing good since then both on the visibility aspect and the positive reviews and nice comments made by users who've played the game all were absolutely nice to see cause actually lots of people liked the game so much and that makes no difference as well. So talking about the visibility of the game, right now the Game has a total of maximum total of 5 million downloads on play store and that's like what it should be for the actual state of the positive things the game does And it's still counting as well cause literally it's a game that is been liked by all for the fantastic way it plays and all other good things about it in general both the positive reviews and comments made by the users who've actually played the game. And another fun thing that made me liked the game is because there wasn't much of any negative reviews about it or Rather I'll say there wasn't at all. So generally it's all an excellent game with one of the best 3d graphical designs on it as well.


The forces of freedom game was created and developed by bravo company Ltd which as well are the developers of other fantastic games like the world war heroes game, the frontline commando d-day and the gunship strike game. so they all sounded absolutely unique and their games are also very much fantastic incidence that it does most things on it as they also played differently in a perfect way from other games and basically they deal more on developing action shooting games so there's actually a bit difference there cause all has it's way of describing it so as this present one as well.

after the release of the game were some few features and factors that got added up to it which literally added up in making the game to become a more fantastic one like it is now. So here are the newly things and features that just got fixed and added up to the game; they've made an Addition of new types of weapons. There's Addition of new modifications for weapons now. They've made Changes in the balance of items. They've fixed the Sniper breathing issue and lastly they've fixed the issue on Getting stuck on "Connecting to Game" so as everything got fixed and added up to the gameplay it really made the game to be a More fantastic one.

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Speaking about the gameplay, the gameplay aspect of forces of freedom game is really a sensible one as it generally requires a high level of perception which ultimately became the one Best thing that added up in making the gameplay a more fantastic one just like it is within as of now. The gameplay is really fun and so much interesting with it's characters as they does quite amazing things on the game whereby they get to shoot awesomely in a very perfect way, since it's a multiplayer game there's typically the kind of things that goes up to the Gameplay and it's actually different from most of other games as the developers did a lot good in changing most of the things and also keeping in touch thereby upgrading the game to a standard one as there you wouldn't be needing an internet connection for the PvP multiplayer aspect and it's made such in a way that the gaming multiplayer aspect can only get connected directly from the game, so that's really a fantastic one and a nice try from the developers.

The control system of the game works really fine with a virtual controls simulating two joysticks parts as it lets you take aim in the first person and center the sights precisely on faraway targets as well. Also, you can slowly move or even lie down to keep yourself hidden in the battle ground. The game offers many more of other things it's different an historical periods to play in as it rangs from the Vietnam war to the modern combat gaming. The main game aspect is based on capture the flag, although the whole process, size of the settings, and variety of objects is more compact than usual to invent the experience to mobile devices where rounds are often shorter. Actually the gameplay is really a fun fantastic one as it does quite amazing things on it, so overall the gameplay is quite good and the action so intense and fun as well.

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Speaking about the graphics, the graphical aspect of forces of freedom game is really nice and good looking good in a very much fantastic way as it adds lots of feelings to the Game as well and that's positively the best thing to see on a game, it's quite not really easy to see a game that does things which adds feelings to one when playing the game. The game features a nice graphics and many more of other things other than the graphics as well. The environments of the game were really nice and fabulously has the best things on it which turned up the negatives and changed to positives all because there's not really much to say about the graphics so it's typically on it's own. The main good thing there about the game is first off, The smooth body designs of the soldiers. The characters move fluidly and look good. Also, The character models are good and the textures aren't bad nor too blurry. The blood is very realistic too, looking at it with the way it splatters and stays a while on the game. The few bad about the game is that there are quite a few graphical glitches and some clipping problems. but it's mostly a good looking game altogether.

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Speaking about the sound, the sound aspect of forces of freedom game is kind of a mixture of good and bad but although the sound really looks good when you hear of it and as well plays very Much in a cool way compiled with other gaming aspect of it which the sound is particularly involved into as well. Actually speaking the sound of forces of freedom game is kind of a cool one Even though it has it's negative sides of it. The sound is typically an excellent one. The effects there are great and sound so realistic. the voices of the dieing and bodies of the enemies are brilliantly designed. And also, The soundtrack really isn't all there but adds to the feel of the game. The voice acting is moderate at best but can be forced and stiff at times. So generally the sound of the game is just a cool fantastic one overall.


• awesome graphical designs

• Lots of enemies to kill

• Great weapons and many of them

• amazing gameplay

• high effects in sound

• plenty of levels to play

• Fantastic game mode

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• Developer.......Bravo company ltd

• Version.........3.01

• Offered by......Bravo company

• Released Date......February 21 2017

• Platform.......iOS Android

• Category......action

• Content rating.......16+

• Language...... English

• Genre........shooting

• Available on play store


• Gameplay........8/10

• Graphics.......7/10

• Sound.......8/10

• Controls.......8/10

• Scare factors.....5/10

• Storyline......./10

• Overall rating.......8/10

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In overall, the forces of freedom game is sure to be a cool fantastic game as it is and as I've played it quite a good number of time now I can possibly tell how fantastic it is on the gameplay, it does so many more of things that adds to the feel of the game. It's just an interesting multiplayer online action game where as you win rounds, you'll earn new game elements and awards. You can also buy items in the ingame store, but that's entirely optional, not really required to do so. It's rated 16+ so typically it's not a Minor game neither is it a kid game, so if you're a lover of fun shooting games I'll Gladly recommend this game for you so go get it. Thanks!!

Thanks for reading!!!

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IMG-20170927-WA0031.jpg Thanks to @jodipamungkas for the awesome badge.


Thanks to @chimzycash for this lovely badge




Resteem and



Goodluck to you as you gambol this game.

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