5 New Items Dota 2, Which is the Most Useful? Apparently It's The Answer!

in #gaming7 years ago

Of the five new Dota 2 items in the 7.07 patch, which is the most useful one?

Dota 2's new line of items has their own unique functionality for today's meta! Curious which items are the most useful and popular? Check out below yes!

Meteor Hammer

This new item is a bit of a joke in the Dota2 community. Why? Because on paper the new item Dota 2 Meteor Hammer is pretty good, but very difficult to apply in real game!

Can be spelled out of all the new items Dota 2, this item is the most situational to choose. This item does provide good burst magic damage to enemies or towers, but the casting duration and price becomes a problem in itself!

Recorded only Zfreek from the Complexity team who diligently make Meteor Hammer on the Treo Protector hero. This is reasonable because the Treant Protector can safely use Meteor Hammer when close to the tree or when using its ulti.

Not to mention seeing the price in the 2000 gold range filled by more useful situational items like Blink Dagger, Force Staff, or Eul, making Meteor Hammer a less useful item!

Aeon Disk

Items that are substituted from BKB also have an unusual popularity in the official competition level. In general, this item is very suitable to fend off the heroes that provide old lock down like Batrider, Bane, or Legion Commander.

This means that this item is perfect for hero-hero who often become the target of lock down enemy! The price is also close to BKB making it very suitable in situations when the hero you play becomes the target of the enemy!

One of the professional players who use this new item Dota 2 in an official match mainstay LGD.Ame while playing hero Slark. Proven the use of this new item Dota 2 in the game helped bring Ame to victory!


In the third rank of the most useful Dota 2 item falls on the Nullifier. In addition to appearing more often in the official competition, new items Dota 2 is quite expensive it has a very helpful effect of the game.

How not, Nullifier can give Nulify effect that makes enemy affected by its effect can not use the item! Not to mention making them get slow every time you get hit!

However it should be underlined that this item also includes very situational items. This item is suitable for targeting enemies with Ethereal skill like Pugna and Necrophos, as well as heroes who rely on items like Manta Style or BKB!

Spirit Vessel

Affordably, providing a tantalizing addition to stats, as well as a very useful item effect, making new Dota 2 Spirit Vessel items a favorite item of 4 support now!

Call it a roaming hero that often bring Urn like Night Stalker, Spirit Breaker, even Pudge really benefit if they make this one item! Regeneration effect or life drain that he has very qualified!

This item becomes a favorite choice of Rodjer or GH when playing Roaming Night Stalker! Dota 2's new item is also very good to use to fight enemy heroes with damage over time like Viper, Venomancer, or Phoenix!


Rated first, there is a new item Dota 2 that is considered very imba by the community today. The item is Kaya! Items that in short the more efficient use of which of the heroes is definitely a favorite!

There are so many heroes who benefit from buying this one item, especially the extravagant heroes! Call it Storm Spirit, Tinker, also Zeus! This item is also suitable for winning items where drain like Diffusal Blade you know!

In a way, Rich is the most useful item compared to the other Dota 2 new items that release on the 7.07 patch yesterday! Evident from the popularity of this item is very loved among professional players though!

After reading this article, make sure you do not buy any items wrong again!
And what's your favorite item.


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