Ultra's Reviews: Terraria Redux (Various Platforms)

in #gaming7 years ago

So, My Second Review was for a Game called Terraria.

While I gave the game a Positive Review I thought the Review itself was Terrible, So i'm doing Again.

This is Terraria, on Pretty much everything Except your Fridge.

North Amarican Box art of the 3ds Version of the Game


So...uhh...Where do I even Start?

Well....No Offense to the game but...There isn't really much to Talk about here in terms of Plot.

Well. the only Plot thing you are given is that the Corruption is taking over the world and you gotta Stop it.

The game is a Survival Sandbox so there is not Much to Talk about here....sorry.


The Gameplay is Where Terraria Shines to me.

As I said above, Terraria is a 2D Survival Sandbox. You Start with nothing but a few essential Tools, Such as a Pickaxe and an Axe.

You can use the Axe to Cut down Trees to Gather Wood, use the Pickaxe to Get Ores to make Better Tools.

You also Start with a Shortsword to Fighting, A Guide NPC will Spawn With you to tell you some Hints, how to Craft things, and what you should do next.

As you Explore you will find your world has a few Biomes that Spawn in Every world, a few Forest, a Jungle, a Tundra, a Desert, two Oceans, and Finally a World Evil(the Corruption or the Crimson, It's Random which one you get)

Eventually you will Start adventuring Underground, and Quickly you will Find Ores, Multiple Kinds too. These Ores can used to Craft new Weapons and Armor.

While Underground you may also Find Heart Crystals as well, These will Expand your Max Life. Once your Life hits 0 you die.

When you Create your character you can choose how Punishing is it when your character dies, These 3 Options are only losing Money, going the Minecraft Route and lose all of your Items, and Finally Perma-Death.

As you get more things, You can have NPCs move into your base if a Room is Suitable enough for them to live in it. Each Individual NPC has a Different Criteria for them to move in, For Example the Merchant Requires you to have 50 Silver Coins, The Demolitionist Requires the player to have an Explosive, The Dryad Requires you to Defeat a Boss, and the Arms Dealer Requires the Player to have a Gun or Gun Ammo. There are Many...Many NPCs in this game, each has a Different use for your survival.

After a While you will Fight your First Boss, once you Defeat that boss the Dryad will Move in, and with the Purification Powder She Sells(or with the Bombs the Demolition Sells) you can Venture into your World's Evil and Fight the next Major boss.

That's all I'm going to go over for now, and I have not even Scratched the Surface of what you can do.

Oh yea, there is some more.

One of the Pieces of Equipment you can find are Accessories, These give out Specific Buffs that does a Little more then Boosting your defense.

Terraria does a very good job with it's Equipment system, it Feels like your character is getting stronger, more then just regular Equipment and Weapons.

And Hoo-boy is there A ton of Weapons, So many Different Weapons with a Different Use. There are Weapons like Swords, Yo-yos, Magic, Magic weapons, Bows, Guns, Crossbows, Summons, Swords that Fire Projectiles, Enemy-Seeking Bullets, Bows that Shoot Bees, A Shark Minigun, a Magic Staff that Makes it Rain Meteors. SO...MANY...WEAPONS.

Oh and if you Think the game is too Easy, Try Expert mode, Where enemies do more damage, Bosses have more health, and new attacks, and with more Reward with Exclusive items only in Expert mode.

Even without Expert Mode Terraria can be pretty Challenging, and I will say, you will Die in this game....a lot.


The Graphics are alright, nothing too Fancy, Though the Graphics are a little outdated, it's not so bad.

The music is pretty Great, with some Great Tracks and sound effects.

The Environment Music fits Each Area, and fits in with this game's Quirky yet Gothic Nature.

The Sprites for the bosses are amazing, So much Detail went into these big guys.

Overall the Presentation while not perfect, is alright.


So, this game has a pretty slow start, and with little to no story makes this game Tough to Replay, Despite the Large amounts of Replay Value the game has near the end.

The game is Very Challenging, while it's not so bad, it can be discouraging to new Players.

Finally There is.....huh?...that's it? really? Wow.


Terraria is a fantastic Experience, If you have Grown Tired of other Survival Sandboxes CoughMinecraftCough Then give this one a Try.

While it has a Slow start it does Pick up the Pace pretty Quickly.

Terraria Receives a 4.5/5
A Fantastic game Despite the Flaws.

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