TF2: Opinions on Every Pyro Weapon.

in #gaming6 years ago

Instead of Weapon of the Week I'm going do an Unoriginal Idea and Talk about my Opinions on every Single Weapon in the Pyro's Arsenal.

I'm going to go over all Weapons That Pyro can Equip so Here we go!

Stock Flamethrower + Reskins:

Reliable, Consistent, and just Generally Useful.


It's Alright, It's in a Weird Spot in the Terms of Balance but It's ok.


For the Longest Time it was a Part of "The Meta™" And It Still Kinda is. It's ok but I personally Like Stock more.


Ok this Weapon is Shit, But it's so fun to Pull off Effectively

Dragon's Fury:

I'm Terrible at using this thing, But I honestly Love it. Favorite Weapon in Pyro's Arsenal Hands Down.

Stock Shotgun:

Same with the Stock Flamethrower, It's Consistent, Reliable, and Generally useful. I like it.

Panic Attack:

Out of the Classes that can Equip the Panic Attack, It is probably Best on Pyro because of Puff 'n Sting. It's Alright, I kinda Miss the old one, but this new Version is not bad.

Reserve Shooter:

This Weapon Went from being OP as Shit, to Being Basically a Downgrade of Stock. Valve Please Buff this thing.

Flare gun:

This Weapon is the Most Used for Puff 'n Sting. But now that Airblasts have Been Changed you don't See these Too Often Anymore. Shame it's a cool Concept.


After the Thermal Thruster Became a Thing Nobody use this thing anymore. It Still has a uses. And I kinda Like it. Also it was the First Unlockable I ever got from item Drop so I kinda have an Attachment to it.

Scorch Shot:

The Detonator for people who Can't Aim the Detonator. I find this thing fun to use and Annoy People with. but that's Pretty Much all it Useful for. (Other then Destroying Stickies but I Digress)


This's Kinda Meh. It could Use a Rework. but This thing is Awkward to use, and Awkward to fight against.

Gas Passer:

I Have a Soft Spot for this thing. I do Find it Weird how it does not charge the same way the Mad Milk and Jarate does but I Grew used to it. I like this thing.

Thermal Thruster:

Personally, I'm not too big of a Fan, I mean it's a Great Idea how you can Sacrifice a Secondary Weapon for more mobility on a Class that Lacks it. But I'm not a Fan that You can't Recharge it with Ammo Packs and you Either HAVE to Wait 30 Seconds or Use a Resupply Cabinet.

Stock Fireaxe + Reskins:

Out of the Stock Weapons. This one is Complete Shit. There are Better Options for Melee Weapons on Pyro, and Your Primary Weapon does more damage at the same Range(And more).

Axtenguisher + Reskin:

I forgot this Weapon Existed till it Got Buffed. It's Pretty Cool, and it's Nice how they Named one of the Weapon's Stats After a Legendary Pyro Main. I miss Sketchek.

Homewrecker + Reskin:

This Weapon is my First Pro Killstreak Weapon. Honestly, It's not that useful in a Dedicated Pybro set. But I kinda Like it.

Sharpened Volcano Fragment:

"Just Don't Meme with the Volcano Fragment, I use it as an Actual Weapon" - Meme King
In all honesty, This Weapon Sucks.


This Weapon in Overused, and I can See why, The Speed Boost is useful, and the Health on Kill makes it great as a Finishing Blow Weapon. But there are Equally Great Weapons in Pyro's Melee Arsenal Give them a Chance, You don't have to run the Powerjack in Every Match.

Back Scratcher:

This is Really Useful. You can Take the Smaller Health Kits, Get Reasonable Health from them, and Save the Bigger ones for the More Important Classes, and Build Uber Quicker with a Medic. This weapon is Cool. I like it.

Neon Annihilator:

Unless your Map has Water in it, this thing is only useful with an Allied Scout and Sniper with a Certain Weapon for Each. For Removing Sappers the Homewrecker is better, it's Alright at Best.

Third Degree:

This is one of the Very Few Weapons Where the Stats are a Straight Upgrade of Stock, that does not make this Thing Good in the Slightest. It's Still Pretty Bad.

Hot Hand:

This is a Meme Weapon. It's Terrible in a Fight but You can Slap People. Who Cares That it does less Damage then the Volcano Fragment. It's Funny.

And those are My Opinions on Every Singe Weapon in the Pyro's Arsenal. Next TF2 Blog will be Weapon of the Week, so see you guys Later.

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