TF2: Class Guide: Scout Basics

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to TF2 Class Guide.

The Class Guide series is supposed to Cover the Ins and Outs of Certain Classes,

These Guides are intended for Players of All Skill Levels, For the New players who are getting started. to Veteran who is switching a Main

Today we are going though Class Selection Screen Order, starting with the Load-Mouth Terror of Boston.

The Scout

First name: Jeremy
Last Name: Unknown

Base Health: 125 (185 In Overheal)
Base Speed: 133%

Special ability: Double jump

Casual Role: Offense
Competitive Role: Pick

The Scout was the Youngest of 8 brothers. All of his Brothers Tend to get in Street fights however they usually end the fights before scout can get in there to throw his own Punches. Desperate to fight alongside his brothers, Scout Realized that if he cannot match his brothers in Brute Power. he could make up for in speed. so he Started to Train himself in Running. enough so he can not only keep up. but get Ahead. Just like that. Once the Pathetic Runt of the Pack Became the "Loud-Mouth Terror of Boston"

Gameplay wise the Scout's Role in battle is Hit and Run.

"The Scout is an excellent choice for completing objectives quickly. He can capture control points and push carts at twice the rate of any other class. Only the Scout has this ability naturally; the Demoman and Soldier only have the same ability while holding or using the Pain Train. His speed also makes him perfect for capturing enemy control points and intelligence" - TF2 Wiki

If you Want to be good with Scout. Keep Moving and Never Stop. EVER, This is because Scout has the Fastest Base Speed out of any class. but he is also tied with Engineer, Sniper, and Spy for having the Lowest Amount of base Health. If you Keep moving this allows you to Avoid getting hit by most attacks that would usually kill you.

Arguably Scout is the Most Mobile class in the game. Having the fastest Base speed the ability to Double Jump Allows Acout to Access Alternate routes through the map.

To maximize damage dealt and minimize damage taken, a good Scout tends to weave around the outskirts of a battlefield, picking off important or damaged enemy targets. Weaponry that can slow or track players, such as Natascha or the Sentry Gun, are deadly to the Scout. and should be avoided

The Scout has Plenty of Tools to assist him with his job.

(Im only going over the Default Weapons and Common Weapons used by Scouts)

(Damage is Calculated Without Damage Fall-off)

Scout's Default Primary is the Scattergun

It Fires 10 Pellets that does 6 Damage Each, it Holds 6 shots before having to Reload, Its Max ammo count is 32

The Scattergun is VERY deadly at Point Blank Range. killing most classes with only 2-3 shots. Due to the Slow reload Speed Switching to your Secondary is Wise when you are out of Ammo and need to reload.

The Default Secondary Weapon is a Pistol

It fires up to 6 Bullets Per Second that Deal 15 Damage Per Second(Again without Fall-off), It Holds 12 Bullets Before Reloading and Holds a Maximum of 36, This Weapon Also Reloads the Entire Clip at once.

As said Above. this is Useful for when you need to Finish a Foe off when you dont have time to Reload your Scattergun or if they are Farther away. This weapon has a Fast Reload Speed so it is Useful in a Fight. Just keep Track of your ammo. It is Very Easy to run out.

Finally Scout's Default Melee Weapon is a Bat

The Bat does a base 35 Damage Per Swing.

Because you already deal so much damage at close range, you should only use the Bat when out of loaded ammunition or when dealing with unattended Engineer structures. While it swings rapidly, it deals less damage than your Scattergun.

These are not the only Weapons that Scout can use, so here are a few Alternates

Scouts tend to Replace The Scattergun with the Force-a-nature

This Gun only has 2 shots. and Each Pellet does less damage. however it fires 2 extra pellets per shot and has huge amounts of Knockback. Just like the the Stock Scattergun it has a max ammo count of 32, and because of the 2 extra pellets it does a maximum 65 damage per shot. And if you reload while it still has 1 shot left. that one shot is Lost

The Force-A-Nature deals heavy burst damage but must be reloaded often, making it best used as a hit-and-run weapon Due to the Knockback it has it can lead to interesting situations. If you actively jump while in combat, save your extra jump until after you've fired the Force-A-Nature; the knockback will leave you suspended in midair and vulnerable, Also Always fire both of your shots. as I have said Above. Reloading with one Shot left will Get rid of that one shot for good.

There are Many Replacements for the Pistol. but the most Common that I have seen is Mad Milk

The Mad Milk Does no Damage. it Acts like a Grenade where it is Thrown, However instead of killing People it Inflicts a Debuff where Any Damage Done to the Player inflicted with the Debuff Restores Health to the attacker. The Explosion of "Milk" Also Extinguishes Any Allied Player who is on Fire. Due to the Very Noticeable Debuff Effect it Also Reveals Cloaked Spies

It can be used both in 1v1 or large firefights to give your team additional survivability, especially if your team lacks a Medic.

Finally the Most Common Melee Replacement is the Sandman

The Sandman Does the Same Amount of Damage as the Stock Bat. it Decreases Your max Health by 10. but it gives you the ability to throw baseballs. these Balls Stun foes for a maximum of 7 seconds Based on how far the ball travels. The ball does a base 15 Damage

Stunning an enemy will give you a chance to move in for the kill or retreat safely. Additionally, you can use it to provide support in large firefights by stunning the more dangerous foes, such as Heavies and crit boosted enemies. Your low health pool makes this particular health penalty significant, so ensure you actually use the baseball.

And that is It! Those are the Basics of Playing Scout. Im not going over ALL of Scout's Weapons as I have a Series Here for Weapons(Im waiting for that Dang Jungle/Pyro Update to happen before I update that Series.)

Next time Im Doing Soldier

Also Thanks to the TF2 Wiki (These Two Pages)
For some of the Weapon Strategies. as I dont use some of those weapons as Scout so It Helps.

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