Dota 2 - From Knowledge become skill | Ember Spirit reviewed by Ubay0077

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)



Hello steemian! how are you today? welcome back with me ubay0077 the gaming author, streamer and video creator. why i want to write about gaming? i have 2 reasons. the first reason i want to give all information about the game so you can play the game like me. The second reason is i want to share to you that game is funny. Game can make you enjoy after you go home from working or studying.

So today i want to review one of my favorite hero that is ember spirit. I like this hero because he has beutiful word that come out from his mouth. For example From knowledge become skill and All action is reaction. After update, Ember spirit is more useful hero because his damage is very high. He is one of hero that very hard to kill because he can run with his skill. He has magic absorb to avoid magic damage that come to him. His skill is like radiance so hurt skill. If you have item that has cleave it make you very hurt damage because you can hit the enemy with bonus damage from your skill. Ember spirit is strong against hero that bring many creeps such us enigma, Nature Prophet treant, beast master Roar and others. why? because he has skill two that can hit the enemy in large area. He is hero that can farm fast because he can tp back according where the fire remnant he put. But do not forget to buy travel boots to farm fast.

So here are the tips from ubay0077 if you want to pick ember spirit.

The first thing that you need to do is stay in midlane because ember is good in midlane. then you need to farm well because you need level and gold. next you need to harras your enemy by using skill 3 and 1. just full the skill ok. the skill is so hurt so the enemy must be scare if you harras him. you need get Bottle item in market so you can save your rune. You need to save it because maybe the rune is invisible so you can take advantages from the rune to kill enemy. after you get ultimate skill dont scare to kill enemy. Use your ultimate 3 times and combo with skill three and one so you can instantly kill the enemy trust me!.

You have choice if you want to make nuker or carry item build.

If you want to make carry build the first time you need to buy is boots of travel because you need to farm. you can farm wherever lane has creep so you can TP in that lane. The second you need to buy Battle Fury because it has clave damage that useful to combo with your skill two. then you need Deadalus. it has critical damage to give more damage and can kill instantly to enemy. make it twice. i mean make two battle fury and 2 deadalus. The other item is boots and situational item like Black King Bar, Linken Sphere or Manta Style. I swear, this item make the enemy scared.

The second

The second item is Nuker. if you wan to build nuker item you need to build veil of discord first. you will play with magic damage. you need more magic damage item like Radiance maelstrom and veil of discord. dont forget to buy Blink item to run or chase the enemy.

Biography Ember spirit


Roles of Ember spirit


Stat of ember spirit


Talent of Ember spirit


For more explanation about ember, lets see skills of ember spirit


  1. Searing Chains
    The ability of this skill is no target. the damage type is Magical. It does not work against the enemy that use Black King Bar. it can be dispellable. Ember spirit unleashes fiery bolas that wrap around nearby enemies. stun him and dealing damage per second. The duration of this skill is 1/2/2/3. The radius of this skill is 400. Damage per second is 60/80/100/120. Total damage is 80/120/240/300. Unit count is 2. The cooldown is 14/12/10/8 seconds and the mana cost is 110.

  2. Sleight of Fist
    The ability if this skill is Point Target. The damage type is Physical damage. It works against enemy that use Black King Bar. Ember Spirit dashes around with blazing speed, attacking all enemies in the targeted area of effect. then returning to his strart location. deals bonus damage to heroes and less damage to creeps. the radius is 250/350/450/550. Bonus hero damage is 25/50/75/100. the attack interval is 0.2 and creep damage penalty is 50%. The cooldown of this skill is 33/22/14/6 seconds and the mana cost.

  3. Flame Guard
    The ability of this skill is no target. the damage type is magical. it does not work against enemy that use Black King Bar. The ember spirit surronds himself with a ring of fire and make him can absorb magic damage. it can be deal damage near to enemy too. the duration of this skill is 8/12/16/20. the radius is 400. Magic absorb is 50/200/350/500. the damage per second is 30/40/50/60. The duration is 35 seconds and the mana cost is 80/90/100/110.

  4. Fire Remnant
    The ability of this skill is point target. the damage type is magical damage. it does not work against enemy that use Black King Bar. Ember spirit will charge 3 Remnant he can go to the target point and deal damages. the remnant will 2.5 ember spirit speed. it will charge after 35 seconds. the max charges is 3. charge restore time is 35. the damage is 100/200/300. the radius is 450. duration is 45.

Ember spirit item recommended by valve

Starting Items

  1. Tango
    Consume a target three to gain 7 health regeneration for 16 seconds. consuming ward or ironwood tree doubles the heal amount.
    range : 165
    ward range : 450

  2. Healing Salve
    Grant 50 regeneration to the target for 8 seconds. if the enemy is attacked by hero or roshan, the affect is lost.

  3. Stout Shield
    Give a 50% chance to block 18 damage on melee heroes and 9 damage on ranged.

Early Game


  1. Bottle
    The bottle is needed when you are in mid lane it can save the rune. and can restore your health 80 and mana 40 for 2.5 seconds. it can use to allied to. the range is 350.

  2. Boots of Speed
    Increasing your movement speed 40. this is so useful to run from enemy and to chase them

  3. Quelling Blade
    this item is useful to farming add more damage to the creep.

Mid Game


  1. Ring of Aquila
    it has 10 damage, 3 strength, 9 agility and 3 intelligence. this skill has passive 0.5 mana regeneration and 2 armor to nearby allies. the radius is 900. this item is upgraded by Wraith band. you need this item in the first game.

  2. Battle Fury
    it has 45 damage, 6 HP Regeneration and 2.25 Mana Regeneration. this item is good to juggernaut to farming fast. it can cleave to enemy in 40%. the active is to chop the tree/ward. destroy a target tree or ward. the duration is 4 seconds. the tree cast range is 350 and ward cast range is 450. the passive is quell that increase the attack damage against non hero units by 60%

Late Game


  1. Deadalus
    Deal 80 damage. the passive is critical strike. grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 235% damage.

  2. Blink Dagger
    The active is Blink. you can teleport to another point target to 1200. blink dagger can not be used for 3 seconds after taking damage from an enemy hero or Roshan.

Popular Items


  1. Boots of travel
    Give you movement speed 100 and you can travel to tower.

  2. Ring of Aquila
    it has 10 damage, 3 strength, 9 agility and 3 intelligence. this skill has passive 0.5 mana regeneration and 2 armor to nearby allies. the radius is 900. this item is upgraded by Wraith band. you need this item in the first game.

  3. Battle Fury
    it has 45 damage, 6 HP Regeneration and 2.25 Mana Regeneration. this item is good to juggernaut to farming fast. it can cleave to enemy in 40%. the active is to chop the tree/ward. destroy a target tree or ward. the duration is 4 seconds. the tree cast range is 350 and ward cast range is 450. the passive is quell that increase the attack damage against non hero units by 60%

  4. Bottle
    The bottle is needed when you are in mid lane it can save the rune. and can restore your health 80 and mana 40 for 2.5 seconds. it can use to allied to. the range is 350.

  5. Linken Sphere
    Linkens sphere has 15 all attributes and 5.5 hp regeneration. it also give 2.25 more mana regeneration. this item need to block any damage to unit target. it can give to friend to in 13 seconds. the range to give friend is 700.

  6. Deadalus
    Deal 80 damage. the passive is critical strike. grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 235% damage.

  7. Magic Wand
    This item has 2 all attributes and 1.5 HP regeneration. this is very usefull if you meet the enemy that always use skill near you. you can restore your health. the charge of magic wand is 17 (full charge)

  8. Blink Dagger
    The active is Blink. you can teleport to another point target to 1200. blink dagger can not be used for 3 seconds after taking damage from an enemy hero or Roshan.

  9. Veil of Discord
    it has 5 HP regeneration, 6 armor, 6 agility, 6 strength and 14 intelligence. the active of this skill is Magic Weakness. cast a 600 radius blast that decreases enemy magic resistence by 25%.

  10. Radiance
    +65 damage
    Toggle : Burn
    when active, scorches enemies for 60 damages per second and causes them to miss 17% on their attacks.

  11. Mjolinir
    it has 24 damage and 80 attack speed
    this is upgraded by maelstrom. it is very good item to deal extra damage 200 when it shocking. but the chance is 20%.

  12. Stour shield
    Give a 50% chance to block 18 damage on melee heroes and 9 damage on ranged.!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

Thank you the poetry

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