My Thoughts on The Game Awards 2016

in #gaming8 years ago

The Game Awards 2016 Photo


Today I will be telling all of you what I thought about The Game Awards 2016. First off I will be talking about the moments that stuck out to me, then I will give you my thoughts on this event as a whole.

"Welcome To The Game Awards 2016"

Welcome To The Game Awards 2016 Video

The intro to The Game Awards 2016 does a great job at showing why a majority of gamers play games, and why we love this industry.

Hideo Kojima Wins Industry Icon Award

The Game Awards 2016 - Hideo Kojima Industry Icon Award Video

The show begins with Kojima receiving the Industry Icon award. Since Kojima was literally banned from last years game awards do to Konami, I am glad to see him get the award that he so rightfully deserves.

Death Stranding World Premiere

Death Stranding World Premiere Video

At the end of Kojima's speech he showed off some new footage of his new project Death Stranding. From this trailer if you have played any of Kojima's games you can tell that this is going to be an interesting game. Me personally I can not wait to see some gameplay.

Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay

Mass Effect Andromeda Gameplay Video

Towards the end of the show we get to see some new gameplay of Mass Effect Andromeda. Which in my opinion this game looks awsome I cannot wait to play this next year.

Game of the Year Winner

Game of the Year Winner Video

There were a lot of great games nominated for this award, and in a kinda surprise Overwatch is the first multiplayer only focused game too win this award.

My Final Thoughts on the The Game Awards 2016

This year at the game awards there wasn't really that many surprising reveals. But what they did show were my favorite moments during the show. The Game Awards for me is the appetizer for what is to come during the Playstation Experience this weekend. Which I will talk about what I thought about it tomorrow.


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Thank you to everyone for your continuing support

I cannot believe I am up to 100 followers on steemit. That might sound small to some people but for me that's a big milestone.


I love your formatting! Keep communicating with others and form groups, collaborate, etc. Btw do join us on , even for non-gaming stuff. And also note that you have a "Settings" menu now in which you can update some profile details. It will useful as the network is growing.

Kevin, I just told him the same thing. He did a good job laying it out.

Alright will do

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