The Life of a Bronze 4 Support main

in #gaming7 years ago

My go-to supports are Taric(That sexy, sexy team fight king) and Thresh. I love them both, I am a play-maker, when playing Thresh, I love setting up the perfect opportunity for a kill for my ADC, then theres Taric, I use him to support the team no matter what they do, as dumb as it can be, I shoot off heals, shields, and stuns, stretching out team fights, I feed off the enemy team's frustration, I just love the feeling of giving a teammate one more half second of life, letting them murder whomever their fighting. The best feeling however, is beating the crap out of any fighter or assassin that thinks they can 1v1 me. It always starts by them engaging, me stunning them, them hitting me, me healing me back to 100% and shielding, stunning them again, and them dying, best feeling. The ult is the bread and butter of Taric, just pop it during or at the start of a team-fight, and you just set in panic for the enemy team, they either try to murder you, or a squishy (Which they won't because I have heals and shields for days), or they start running, the best thing to happen, is when you get a mix, of runners and fighters. You get those who think they can kill the ult, and those he think that its a message from god, sending the rude awakening of pain and suffering, they can only see their team getting aced, thus they flee, it makes it much easier to heal your teammates and murder the stragglers.

(not my creation)

Life of a Taric

Game Starts after 20 minutes because my toaster can barely run League with a wopping 10 frames per second. I go and leash the jungler, or invade(Usually invade) go to lane. Let my ADC farm, the second the enemy thinks they poke my I rush at them with a stun and land some pot shots, they're left wounded, not wounded enough to kill, but just enough for them to think twice about engaging. I constantly harass the enemy ADC, denying them CS, usually my ADC has double the CS of the enemy. We hit level 6, tower dive with an ult and murder the ADC and support, go back, get item, win lane. Take Dragon, Take Baron, win the game.

Life of a Thresh

Leash the jungler, go to lane, keep my hook for preausre, see that the ADC is out of position, throw a hook, miss and hit a minion. I throw another hook, miss, throw, miss,throw, hit a minion, throw, I hit the support, I chuck my lantern at my adc and I double hit that hook, I get up to them, ADC doesn't take lantern, I 1v2 while my ADC farms, dies, gets back to lane, they rush my ADC. ADC dies, they tower dive me, I hook and flay the ADC under tower, ADC dies, The Support last hits me, lose lane, lose dragon, lose baron, lose game.

maybe I should be a one trick Taric.


Pleased to me another Taric you don't see many people using him these days. Keep it up @tvoecampbell

Taric is just the guy who makes you feel safe <3

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