
If we're talking about perfect copies I would say they're all you. They would feel a sense of continuity with your previously uncopied self. To them all your life experiences up to the copy would be as much a part of their existence as it is for you. For all intents ant purposes they would be you independent of the you in your own skull. All of that and you could continue your life the same as you ever were.

Go open Notepad.exe, then open it again. There are now two instances of Notepad running. Which is the real Notepad?

Let's say I get teleported somewhere. I get into the machine, get scanned, destroyed and rebuilt somewhere else. In my perspective I feel a continuous experience going into the beamer and then suddenly being somewhere else. Now instead of beaming me somewhere I am beamed to two locations in parrallel. What is my continuous experience then ? I go into the machine, and then .... where do i reappear ? Of course you can say in both places. But in my subjective experience I can only be in one place....

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