Destiny 2 - What you need to know about guided games
Gathering the Guardians for certain events in Destiny 2 can be uncomfortable. This is why Bungie has introduced the Guided Games system. Clan members can join to help other players spend the night and the raid. It is not a perfect system, but Bungie seems to be solving the problems. Here is everything you need to know about Destiny 2 The Dawning boost.
What are guided games?
Guided Games are a way for Clan members to free a space in their fire team for another player they don't know. Two clan members can spend a night with a stranger, or more than that they can meet to help someone through the raid. To learn how to create or join a clan, see our guide.
Clan members are known as Guides, while the stranger is called Seeker. Everyone must meet the relevant Level and Power requirements for the event. Search engines will need a Guided Game Ticket. Everyone receives some of these from the Postmaster at the beginning of the game.
How to access guided games
To access this part of the game, simply go to the Vanguard section of your Director. Under the portions of Nightfall and Raid there will be a Guided Games option. Click here to choose if you want to be the Guide or the Search Engine. You will be told how long you will have to wait for the game. Unfortunately, you cannot perform other activities while in the queue.
The Oath of the Guardian
Both the Seekers and the Guides must agree with the Oath of the Guardian.
Before starting a Guided Game, both the Seekers and the Guides will be asked to accept the Oath of the Guardian and accept to be Helpful, Attentive, Observer, Willing to Learn / Teach and Friendly. Accepting the notice will apply the polishing of the Oath of the Guardian to all participants of the Guided Game, which lasts 45 minutes and is a commitment that is listed as a requirement for the Guided Game.
The Guardian Score is a way for people to see that your Clan is, in fact, good for helping people finish their activities. Searchers can see a clan goalkeeper's score while establishing a Guided Game activity. The score of a Clan is also visible on its Clan page.
Exit an activity
An operation may be abandoned before it ends, but doing so may incur a penalty.
Abandonment: Players who leave or are disconnected from the Fire Team of the Guided Games before the Buff of the Oath of the Guardian expire will be given the debuff of the Obreaker-Breaker, which will result in a time penalty for the player who gives them prevent queuing for a new session of the Guided Game until the debuff expires. If a player leaves the Guided Game session with a penalty, all remaining players may leave the session without penalty.
Vote to leave: If a player wishes to leave the activity without penalty, he can take out his Ghost and use the "Vote to quit" option. The other members of the Fireteam may then withdraw their Ghosts and select the "Vote to Resign" option to vote and allow players to leave the activity without incurring a penalty.
Now that you know how to meet useful Guardians for the most difficult activities in Destiny 2, be sure to visit The Dawning carry to learn about everything else you need to know!