On Tats TopVideos + What I learned today

in #gaming6 years ago

So who is "Tats TopVideos?"

Why should I care about "Tats TopVideos?"

In all earnest, why bring a YouTuber to Steemit?

What did I learned today?

All these questions I do admit are important in the consideration of just bringing up any ole stranger to Steemit. So shall we begin learning and hearing the questions answered?

So who is "Tats TopVideos?"

Tats TopVideos, on first glance, may just be another of those top X list people just with fine lists and good animation.

Yet, now I must clarify I had watched for a long while so don't excuse my tongue here, this evidently isn't the case at all. Tats TopVideos is a team of people, obviously ran by Tats, that pour time to research, animation, footage capturing and audio recordings. They follow, implicitly or explicitly, the philosophy of fine content even at the cost of retention - so far it has payed off - and they pack a lot of quality in a seriously long run time.

On the animation side, they use Source Film Maker (SFM) and they have serious independent animators that care for their content. Of course they being accredited and payed for such talented work, they still lend a mighty hand in the upkeep of the channel and make sure the animation is expressive yet realistic to the source material. Key words: expressive yet realistic. Where some struggle, others fail and others are lucky, they hit the point every time and only steadily improve video after video. It's some animation that I wish big animation studios would care for when making their films, and for that they deserve applause their alone.

On the material they choose in between animation skits, they entirely record their own footage or ask for content they can legally acquire. Regardless of the cases, they always properly attribute the people they get their footage from and never try to hide the fact they are using gameplay footage. Anywho, some if not most of the gameplay footage really is just nice to watch and I wouldn't mind a personal compilation of all the footage they utilized, that alone warrants its own playlist. But I will get more on this in the next session.

And finally research and recording. Now there's nothing really to comment on research, but, for what they do research, they try to stick with the plausible ones and make it intelligible. But they're not scared to go to wild theories if it so fits the script and/or is worthy to bring up alone. To suddenly change to recordings, I must say: not only is the audio clean and sharp, there's personality in each individual. No matter if they fucked up one word, I like to believe they spend time reading the script and making it true to the personality they have to voice. All these factors alone should warrant a visit to Tats TopVideos, be warned: they've long videos, so get the popcorn ready for the rancho relaxo yah'll be doing for a while.

Why should I care about "Tats TopVideos?"

Now let's get serious, why care about this channel? Well it's because recently, their gameplay recruitment announcement peaked my interest heavily and I know some cough @opgaming cough people would love the chance to do what they love to do. Not only will they record footage, dependent upon what they need of course, but be able to have some connections and credibility outside of Steemit.

Because, in the end of the day, the internet is wide and big, to even have a small corner is to be popular in a city. To have two small corners is to garner some good reputation that shouldn't be ignored and fully explored. Especially when reputation matters more and more, and where even small opportunities like these get rarer and rarer, you got to start somewhere. And so while it may not garner a high-paying job, you'll be e-famous and feel like what you did actually bore some fruit - alongside seeing and listening to awesome content.

Yet, there has to be more and there is more. The possibility of paid work, but now I must stop this vehicle immediately. Paid work is only on the condition that you go with them and extensively talk about it. This whole endeavor is basically volunteer work - but if you need some pay to help pay bills, I'm sure they'll acquiesce to that. But do keep in mind that they have their mouths to feed and they need to run a channel on top of that. Yet even so, for those that need pay and can play good, it's at least worth the shot.

But of course, there's some not in it for reputation nor money. All well and good, but nobody can just grow individually alone - after all, what the hell are fans for? Working in tangent with them, especially if yer a let's player or sorts, can just be an easy excuse to make videos and the what not. Or time to get better at a game so you can wow yer friends and the such. Or even humor the fact that this can count as experience that can help develop skills your job currently needs: like cooperation, dedication, responsibility, integrity, communication and initiative. While each company has differing values, these six tend to show up more and more recently and at least you'll have somewhere to exercise them by officially helping out people that made YouTube their lively hood.

But, in the end, there are some stragglers who just say "so what" or "why" over and over again. And well, my final piece: "to do something for something's sake and not get bored." Because face it, boredom is a time killer and, nevertheless, a mental drain. Some say boredom is useful, but that's a conflation with daydreaming and demanding philosophizing than what boredom is. Boredom is a scary thing for humans in general, and we run away from it on the first chance, and I say give the recruitment opportunity a shot if they still have open slots. At least something will fill up that open slot.

In all earnest, why bring a YouTuber to Steemit?

Yet, there is one more reason for why, but I rather a whole independent section than a mere paragraph.

And this reason is actually because the internet was never meant to be divided. Look and think for one second, wherever you go, no matter how obscure a place is, you can always link it to another place on the clear or dark net somehow. Exempli gratia: YouTube is wholly dependent not only on itself but on other parts of the net as well, you can find videos making memes on different parts of the net as well as itself, find serious discussions happening on multiple mediums of communication and even quirks that are tested on YT inspire projects elsewhere to flesh upon either the project or a piece of the quirk that resonated with them.

And when it comes to Steemit, Steemit is in dire need of not only new faces but people willing to invest into it. I don't need to be reminded of HF20, but if we wish Steemit to even have a modicum of hearsay on the internet and not be a fringe corner, then we must reach out to other communities and unite with them. Now it won't be done with one little action, but the multiplicity and variety of actions to seek out other communities and helping each party benefit. For we have the resources, manpower and hooks to attract new people, yet Steemit does barely any advertising. Heck, I only got in because @anarchyhasnogods had to sell it to me for me to care about coming here - and to be honest it is a heaven in some sorts, say an Outer Heaven.

Yet, if we, as a massive community, show our shared interests and show how they can benefit here, not only will communities thrive and new faces be generated at a faster pace, but retention rates will go up, less wasted resources will be wasted and we can develop into the bigger projects we want to delve into. So, starting on one baby foot, we can make another baby step. And if we can reach out more, so more the faster we develop and the faster we can get moving on with a sustainable but developing community. Where we can finally be an independent corner, yet one other communities can rely on to build their own as we must do so right now to actually grow to be a house name of sorts on the internet.

For if we care about Steemit other than the experiences of friends, then this is a worthy cause to strive for...

What did I learned today?

So which now leads to what did I learn today: Cannabis, and some general facts about such.

For the remainder of the post, I'll just put the post I had with a fellow CI member, @Kagamin, and leave it at there:

Me: "So, lemme start this out: how’d you gotten to know about Cannabis, initial reaction to current thoughts on it, how there are many and unique variations of it, the important chemicals in Cannabis drug production, best way to grow the main variants, the “high/munchies” feeling, any socio-economic history of Cannabis you know and if you smoked any of it?"

Kagamin (them): "Ok, so… I first got introduced to weed from a friend in college. I had smoked before, but I didn’t know anything about weed and didn’t have regular access to it. He got me started and told me about the basics. I loved it immediately. I have a lot of anxiety issues so I could feel my body relax. Specifically my neck. I had a lot of stress and just that feeling of my neck unclenching was great. It was exactly what I had been looking for. I had been getting headaches and migraines all the time for years and just after smoking for one day, my issues went away for like a whole week. I felt amazing. Now I have to smoke multiple times a day because I have a high tolerance, but it has been over a decade and I haven’t had issues as long as I have access to weed. As soon as I stopped seeing weed as a “party drug” or whatever, and more like a way to manage my anxiety and headaches, it changed my life for the better."

Them: "There are many unique variants for sure, but all you really need to know is that there are three main categories of cannabis. Indica, sativa, and hybrids. Indicas are typically thought to be more sedative and relaxing. More of the “couch lock” stereotype kind of weed. Sativas are typically thought to be more uplifting and good for getting your mind and body active. Hybrids are of course a cross of the two. These aren’t hard rules or anything though. And now you can buy the extracts of chemicals in the cannabis to get an entirely different product that removes the strains individuality so to speak."

Them: "The most popular cannabinoids people are using right now are THC and CBD. There are other interesting cannabinoids people are researching (like CBG, CBN, CBC) as well as terpenes. THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. It’s the part that makes you feel high the most. It has other effects, but that is what people mostly associate it with. CBD has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. It is also thought to be neuroprotective. People use it for pain management and to alleviate anxiety and depression."

Them: "It gets interesting though when it comes to combining all of the cannabinoids and terpenoids though. They interact and synergize to produce what we call the “entourage effect.” A lot of people find that using different compounds alone, just don’t produce the same healing effects as smoking the plant as a whole. It’s still sort of a new area, but I would absolutely recommend that anyone using cannabis for medical reasons use “whole plant medicine.” A lot of people use extracts for edibles, topicals, and other products. So always check or make your own."

Them: "I hope to one day see cannabis freely available to people in need. It has improved my life a lot."

Me: "Grog! That was a good piece by yah."

Them: "lol :p

Me: "UwU - Welcome~"

Yes the ending bits were necessary, you know I had to do it.

Anyways, that was the whole convo we had. I think it was an informative lecture-esque session (don't worry, I technically wanted one) but felt like a nice convo between friends/acquaintances.

Here here to seeing their post on the convo I had with them on Mandarin~

{Whole session took place on Discord, for those wondering.}

Cited posts:

Tats TopVideos - "Gameplay Recruitment announcement"


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I didn't read the last section but I agree if we can make the people in other platforms interested in what we write on steemit, all parties will get benefit of that.

Goes to check the channel...

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! That’s probably for the best, tbqh.

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GROG! GROG! GROG! ..WEED! and again GROG! (sorry I found this post late darn)

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the conpliments! And the @bananafish going on a road rage now, I personally am being blessed!

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