Welcome to MythereumThe Fantastically Distributed Collectible Card Game. Sign Up Now for the 1st ever tournament to be play on the Ethereum Blockchain

in #gaming6 years ago

Hello everyone I would like to tell you about Mythereum, It is a new collectible card game played on the Ethereum BlockChain that was just released on February 5th and is available to play tomorrow.

Right now the sale for Genesis cards is taking place with only 5000 Genesis cards being released making them very rare and special to hold.

With the added bonus of 2 extra cards when you buy a pack of 5 you do not want to miss this great deal.

If you like playing games like Magic The Gathering and are also a crypto enthusiast then this is the game for you.

During game play, players choose what actions to take during their turn to try and win the battles to claim top spot.

There will be weekly King Of The Hill style tournaments starting around February 15, Paying the top 5 playersEthereum.

2.5 ETH for the top prize.

1 ETH each for 2nd and 3rd place.

0.25 ETH each for 4th and 5th place.

Then After Genesis, 50% of all card sales will go into a weekly tournament pot, there will be no fees to play in tournaments.

Screenshot-2018-2-6 Mythereum A Fantastically Distributed Trading Card Game.jpg

The above cards are the ones that I acquired for myself to fight in the tournament and hopefully win. hahaha

And below is an explanation of what each number on the card represents.


From this example you can see that the Tiger has a base attack of 48 Damage points and has 27 Shield points for its defense.

Then at the bottom it shows the Tigers special ability that players can activate using the required type and amount of Magicks. Cards are also upgradeable, where you can increase the shield, damage as well as the special ability.

You get 3 magicks (random distribution of black/gray/white) at the beginning of each turn, if you don't have enough of each magicks to use the special ability then you just attack with the base attack number.

When you attack someone, it will automatically use the ability unless you don't have enough magick or it's not necessary to defeat the target card.

Similarly when you're attacked, if the incoming attack is going to overwhelm your base shield it'll try to use the ability if you have enough magicks, it's always base first, plus ability if needed and afforded.

To start playing you provide a list of your cards you want to be in the possible hand generated for each game, and the game shuffles the cards and randomly chooses the appropriate number for your hand.

The game will be played out in turns over the blockchain with each turn having the option to : Attack, Switch Leader Card, or Exchange Cards.

This is where the value of a bigger deck will have its benifits as it will give you a higher chance of success in battle because you can exchange part or all of your hand for different ones from your deck.

You can only do it once per battle, but it's a big advantage if you have better cards in your deck but not in your hand.

Each player starts with 250 health and to win you have to attack the other players leader card that is played on the battlefield, once it's out of play all future hits will damage the player's Health Points until your opponent selects a replacement leader card. If another leader card doesn't get added to the battle all attacks hit the Player until you take him to zero.

If for some reason your opponent all of a sudden stops responding in the middle of a battle then after 20 blocks (5 min) you can declare your opponent dead and he will then have yet another 20 blocks to respond. If there is no response and he doesnt send his move over the blockchain then you win.

There is now also a Discord Chat set up where the Developer has been very helpful with all the question us early adopters were asking the 1st few days.

Join here if you would also like to meet the Dev and ask any question you may have before the tournament starts.


If you would like to be one of the first to play this game then sign up now and get your Genesis cards now and get ready to battle it out on the blockchain!!!

Check out Mythereum website here:

Website: https://www.mythereum.io/#


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Thanks @bidseption, I hope you enjoy the game.

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