Revulsion Dev Blog, Episode 14

in #gaming6 years ago

I have some general thoughts and things regarding Revulsion and my live streams in general. I also have some questions and ideas for marketing aspects of the project.

Revulsion is my indie game project that is currently available on steam early access.


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Have you thought about making each episode be its own expansion or something? Putting a ton of work into a product that's only about $15 like that seems like a bit of a disservice. Can always make future episode a $5 or $10 expansion and just release them indefinitely or something?
DLive's been pretty good too! Definitely a bit easier to stay focused when you're streaming, and such.
I can share the game with my audience some time when I play it and I'm sure that could help a bit, and I also think social media interaction would be cool. Maybe consider doing an "aardwolf" style easter egg campaign that can maybe get people more involved in the game and translate it into marketing? Might work, I'm not an expert haha

Its possible. I have explored the idea of just taking the first episode and releasing it as the full game. It would be 14 levels / 15 including the hub area. 16-20 ish weapons technically more. New game plus fully supported as well as multiple difficulties for each level.

Only problem with doing this is that I would obviously have cut out about half of the games content on the current build that is live in favor of more new levels in the first episode. But if I did just make the first episode the full game I would be able to just continue releasing more content and get the other episodes in place over time. I would have a pretty huge pool of stuff to work with to follow up with a free expansion.

I am not sure if its necessary to charge more for DLC because frankly the bar for success on this project is so low that it would be pointless. I only need to sell 5-10k copies to be super good shape to continue working on more games like this forever onward.

edit yeah actually, if I sold 4.5k copies of the game I would be good for almost a year.

DLive is cool, but for some reason, all 3rd party app for steem are having more or fewer problems these days.
Sorry for a headache, things can be quite exhausting online. The game looks promising, at least looking good graphically. Selling will come around, it takes time. So, don't give up and compare that with Steemit.
You could even build a community around one single game and make the checkup in STEEM.

I know I probably sound ridiculous, but I know a lot of people who play games on the Facebook, why not try to integrate there or make a deal with those big game companies that have games for the Facebook? I know I sound ridiculous and I know zero about game making, so this is a science fiction for me, but I think you should try to make it profitable in a few different places.

The environment looks dark and quite ... blurry. I don't know, this is my second take on Steemit so I am new to many things. I wish you luck and keep going, don't give up. Every start is hard, and I don't think you are overdoing it. Genial ideas always pay out.

Hey, my name is M3, and I'm giving you an upvote, and a subscribe. Me and my community of followers are trying to kill YouTube, and make DTube bigger and better than any other video site. YouTube doesn't reward creators like they deserve, so we're all helping each other out. Anyway, keep going! What we're doing really is the way of the future.``

Your account value appears to be worth .33 cents. Your upvote is a fraction of a penny in value... If you want to influence the scene you need to invest in the platform otherwise this is just kind of cringe worthy. You want to change the world but you wont even buy 100 bucks of steem?

Come on! hehe



Seriously... hehe

Your work is too good to give up on it. Keep developing it and adding new features I am sure it will be a great success if you only give it some time and planning.

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