The Next Episode of My Pillars of Eternity Playthrough - Big Bears Equal Sad Jonothans
Yes. You read right, yet another Pillars of Eternity video is up on my YouTube channel.
The dreaded big bear as is mentioned in the title is one I so aptly named: Nopey the Bear. My journey towards the town of Gilded Vale to find a home for myself was cut abruptly short by a quick, and evidently treacherous delve into a cave. (Bad Idea, I know, But being the gamer that I am I couldn't resist) Thank heavens for autosaves, but I digress, here is the link:
Lets talk about the video shall we?
During the recording of the video I ran into a few snags with the game crashing due to unknown reasons, and the audio recording software spazzing out and making my voice softer than it should've been. But the video is up now and I have found a few ways to make the recording process more streamlined in order to make the videos as good as they can be.