Sony Press Conference (Recap and Review)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

I have been having so much fun watching all the conferences and discussing them with you guys. This one is a bit late but oh well, its just fun to talk about all this great gaming news. E3 is my xmas lol. Sony last year had one of the best conferences ever. Its funny because growing up I was always a play station guy. ps1 was my first system. loved my ps2, but when it came to ps3 they just could not compete with the 360. when this generation started the ps4 took back command. They have been killing it this gen. So this years conference was highly anticipated by everyone. everyone was wondering if sony could live up to the bar they set last year. I can Honestly say they did. Its was damn good show with stuff for everyone.

Uncharted The Lost Legacy

Last years show began with a powerful orchestra that set the mood, and I wondered if they would do it again. This they had an indian group playing music to set the mood for Uncharted The Lost Legacy. It was awesome and It worked perfectly to lead into the game.

Horizon Zero Dawn The Frozen Wilds

I will admit I have not played horizon even tho I really want to. I just have not had the chance to get it. they showed off some DLC cmoing for the game and it looked super cool. The dlc is snow themed and I wonder what kinds of surprises it will have.

Days Gone

I think this one really blew some people away. last year when they showed days gone it looked like your average zombie game. most people, myself included sort of thought ehh. Its even more fore me because I dont really like zombie games. It has to either be really fun or interesting for me to try a zombie game. So when they showed off the gameplay for days gone I was like damn this game looks cool. Days Gone has won me over, and I cant wait to take on some zombified bears.

Monster Hunter Worlds

The show just kept going and going. shawn layden would speark for just a bit and the trailers kept rolling on. A really cool trailer started where you were some sort of knight hunting giant beasts. The game looked epic and different.

Shadow of The Colossus

This game has a very special place in my heart. not because I love it, but because when I first played this game I hated it! the ending pissed me off. As I got older I noticed that It had always stuck with me all those years. One day I realized the genius of the game. They showed a remaster of the game and it looked gorgeous. absolutely stunning. I cant wait to go back and play one more time.

Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite

Next up was MvC infinite, for me personally I am very apprehensive about this game lol. I love MVC (computer science joke) I grew up playing it in arcades but I think looks pretty bad. The story also looks bad, but i hope the gameplay is fun. they revealed that they had a story demo out. If you of you guys checks it out let me know how it is

Call of Duty WWII

I love history so seeing a return to WWII is awesome. They showed off a montage of the new COD. I dont know about you guys but I am cautiously awaiting this game. I need to see more before I am sold on it.


play station launched VR last year and they made it more affordable then the other headsets. This year they showed off a bunch of new stuff that will be coming to VR like Skyrim, Star Child, and The Inpatient

God of War

Last years showing was so epic. people could not wait to see more. They delivered. showing off more gameplay, story, and amazing action that will take place. This is one of my most anticipated upcoming games.

Detroit Become Human

I wont lie I find this game strange. I have a deep philosophical problem with this game, but it does look good and it looks very dynamic. I think a lot of people are very excited for this one.

Spider Man

Great way to end the show. The game looked like a lot of fun. as soon as I saw this one I told one of my best friends about it since hes a massive spidey fan. I think what looked so good was the movement and the cinematic style to combat and movement.


This show was fucking awesome!! cool reveals and surprises. Sony did it again. More important than that, is what has happened this year. all the conferences this year were good and I think its because of moments like last year. every time they get better we are the ones that win. they did the same thing with trailer after trailer and the trailers were not just trailers they had gameplay.

Im gona be just digesting all of this stuff for the next few day but thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed. pls upvote and share. more importantly let me know your thoughts on the show and what you liked or disliked. would you guys like me to do this for Nintendo?
Steemit: @tga1108
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Twitter: @TGA1108


I'm really excited to play the HD version of Shadow of the Colossus! Thanks for making this post ;) I watched the event live, so I didn't really need a recap, but this is nice for those that were not able to.

Dude thats awesome!! I hope I get to go at least once.

Oh, I think you misunderstood me. I meant that I watched the stream, not the event itself ;)

ohh lol it sounded like you saw it in person haha

Sorry to mislead you! That would have been amazing though. Maybe I will be able to do that sometime in the future, but I'm only watching the streams for now.

no worries lol

I think Sony still dominate the game player market since PS collection. But nowaday Sony lack some creativity. PS4 is just PS3 with better hardware. And VR will become the trend and Sony need to have a sense of it...

what do you mean they lack creativity? ps4 has a ton of games and exclusives. also Sony killed it with VR. I dont like VR personally, I think its stupid but their smart they made VR more affordable and they sold a ton of them. they sold more that the competitor head sets. They have also showed that they keep trying to make games for it.

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