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RE: Contest! Win one of 10 copies of Nex Machina

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

I played a survival game recently that really chastised the heck out of you for picking the easiest difficulty. It was so wow this game is actually making fun of me... but hilarious. When you died it called you a baby, it actually had items specific to that difficulty that ridiculed you like Pacifier bib.

I think its a really unexplored fun thing more games that have various difficulty modes could do. It encourages you to try the harder modes and makes playing through the easy mode as you learn the game far more comical and entertaining as you deal with dying over and over again.


Sounds really cool - can you remember the name of the game? Thanks for the comment.

The game was actually a wc3 mod called "Black Forest 1.00". I image there would be a lot of reservation for a triple A title doing something like ridiculing the player as they may consider it too polarizing. To me it was just refreshing like the game had a lot personality, I could just be weird though

For a genre like bullet hell/twin stick I think it would be well received as the audience tends to be more enthusiast/hardcore.

In general the topic of tutorials/easy mode is a challenge for many developers. For games with appreciable learning curves, being less binary in the learning process was a welcome new experience I had.

Outside of that meta gameplay thought, I'm not really sure what big gameplay elements I'd like to see. I think the game is probably a candidate for speed running, so having a lot of tiny things to optimize like rewarding accuracy/not taking damage could be interesting. Also a mechanic like having your gun do slightly more damage at closer range such that you have to play faster and riskier to earn those super good clears might be cool.

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