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RE: Gears of War 4, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, GTA Online, Metal Gear Survive, Poodlecorp Hacked Blizzard, And More On Faded News

in #gaming8 years ago

@faded-gravity Well done dude, you got the same idea as me only with gaming, it's bringing latest in entertainment to steemit.

Just a little request can you also cover any PC games that might be worth playing ?


That's just it, I figure the more enjoyable the content is that we provide here on steemit, the more peole will come. I love throwing the "check me out on steemit, where you the viewers get paid as well" in my videos.

I will definitely cover PC gaming as well, I tried last week to cover all the stories I could and it was massively overwhelming, so I figured this week I'll cover quick updates as well as the top five gaming news stories of the day in about 5 minutes. Definitely makes it easier on myself, and now I can be super constant with it and not worry about time constraints. I will most certainly cover anything pc, xbox, nintendo, or ps4 related news and try to bring the audience here to steemit. Thanks for the comment it is very much appreciated.

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