UnAnnounced Games We Can Expect To See In 2018! - Gaming Top 5 - Part 48. - MECHA HITLER!!!

in #gaming7 years ago

2017 showed us that we can always expect the unexpected, so what can we expect to see in 2018?

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Game companies, developers and publishers sometimes like to keep a tight lid on projects, only ever revealing them at events such as E3, and with that particular event around the corner, there may be a few surprises in store for us gamers for 2018.

Here are 5 unannounced games we can possibly expect to see later this year.

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5 – Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

I will be the first to admit, I was one of those people that thought there was a cheat code to make Lara naked in the original games. For some odd reason, many people yearned for them square nipples. Since that time, I have been a huge fan of the Tomb Raider series so far, and the 2 most recent editions to the franchise are by far the best yet, with an all new take on every aspect of Lara and what direction they have taken the game.
Square Enix announced in December that they were going to announce something later this year, and we have heard nothing from them since. There was a Tweet sent out (see image) that was quickly decoded. Using the first letter of each sentence, it spells out a possible name for the new Tomb Raider game.
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4 – Devil May Cry 5.

It has been a few years since we got the last game in this ever popular game franchise and gamers everywhere have been eager to know when the next game will be released.
As we have seen with previous games, accidental job descriptions and current employments have given away what is to come. This time it is a Voice actor by the name of Nils Hognestad, who listed his job as ''Voice Over Artist / Devil May Cry 5'', giving away what the developers tried to keep a secret until E3 later this year.
Not only this, but there has been a full breakdown on the Reset Era forums of what the game is about and that the original Dante as the main character will be returning, not the inadequate 2013 version. There will also be a playable Demo at E3, and all this info is from a disgruntled ex employer that was part of the dev team.
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3 – Fable 4.

It wasn't that long ago that fans were outraged with Fable 3 and how incomplete the entire game was, from problem to problem, it was months before the game was fixed with a mountain of patches and updates. Not only this, but they also held back some of the content, opting instead to sell them as DLC, which just infuriated fans so much more. Once the game was fixed, it was close to a master piece. An RPG that you can immerse yourself in for hours, if not days on end, with awesome story lines, a narrative that could make a grown man cry and an art style that was very lush, but the damage to the franchises reputation is already done.
With all the issues the franchise has had in the past, they have there work cut out for them if they want to win over the fans. After a chance leak in January of this year, it is highly likely that we will indeed see a 4th entry into this fantastic, if slightly diminished franchise.
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2 – Titanfall 3.

In November 2017, EA bought out ReSpawn Studios, so they would have greater control over content. They did this in the midst of there LootBox fiasco which cost there investors over $3billion. EA have a very bad record in recent years, by buying out studio after studio, with promises of releasing games, only for them to be closed down soon after. Despite this little fact, the original team at ReSpawn have said on several occasions that they are committed to developing games and a new chapter in the Titanfall series.
ReSpawn's Boss has confirmed that Titanfall 3 will happen, but with EA now in control of the studio, this could just be an empty promise. But we will find out at E3 2018, if they officially announce it. All EA have said so far is, ''A new game is in development''.
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1 – Wolfenstein 3: New Revolution.

If you are old like me, you will remember the original game that was complete with Mecha Hitler. You read that correctly, the game featured Hitler that had been modified turning him into the ultimate bad guy / power ranger cliché. Despite this, when the New Colossus was completed by many fans, many were hugely disappointed that they never got to see a cybernetically enhanced Adolf Hitler to kill.
However, Machine Games Development have been very open with the plans for the franchise, always insisting that there were originally 3 games planned, and still to this day, that statement has not changed. The Devs have discussed the idea about including a Mecha Hitler as the ultimate boss at the end of the 3rd instalment to the recent franchise.
Having an enhanced Hitler as a boss may sound idiotic, but if it is done right, like it was back in the original games in the 80's, then it could be a boss to end all bosses. And I for one can not wait to see if it happens.
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Development studios can surprise us all from time to time, announcing or releasing a game that we never expected, or hinting at the fact they may be something more than what there actually is. But keeping things to themselves is becoming more and more difficult. With eager fans always on the look out for more, it is never that long before all the dots are connected and we get the truth before developers want us to know it.

Thanks for reading.

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God I used to love the original Wolfestein, those damn dogs always got me and I was forever running into the posters on the walls trying to find the secret rooms - seems like I hit every damn one that wasn't a secret room lol!

I'll be glad when DMC5 or a new Fable game gets announced.

It blows my mind how fans can keep trackk with all these things, they are geniuses. Who would've thought of Decoding Square Enix message that way?

And also:

Voice actor by the name of Nils Hognestad, who listed his job as ''Voice Over Artist / Devil May Cry 5''

While all these information are public, connecting the dots is still not easy.

But keeping things to themselves is becoming more and more difficult. With eager fans always on the look out for more, it is never that long before all the dots are connected and we get the truth before developers want us to know it.

I included this post in my Gaming Daily, I'll be glad if you check it out.

cheers dude. much appreciated buddy.

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