The Gaming Industry Is KILLING Itself! - Gaming Top 5 - Part 36

in #gaming7 years ago

Gaming today is a lot different than what it was 20 years ago, and that is mainly down to the greed of the publishers.


With the recent problems EA has, and still is enduring because of their own greed made me think about what else is wrong with the gaming industry as a whole, and why game developers and publishers alike are killing their own industry.

Here are 5 reasons why Dev's and Publishers are killing the gaming industry.

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5 – Bye bye Single Player.

In a recent interview with one of EA's spokespersons, when referring to the development of Star Wars Battlefront II single player campaign,

''It continued to look like a style of gaming that people don't like as much today as they did 10 years ago.''

Basically, they couldn't be arsed with a single player campaign.
Don't get me wrong. I love a good multi player game, but I prefer single player games where I can immerse myself in the story and the game, just like all the Metal Gear Solid games, all the Hitman games, all the Resident Evil games, Alien isolation, Tomb Raider, every GTA title. There are plenty of very good games out there that all have a single player mode or are single player only, and they are huge in terms of popularity and profit. So to be so up your own arse and say everyone likes PubG and every game should follow he same platform, is just ignorant and narrow-mindedness. Maybe it was the main reason that Star Wars 1313 was cancelled, a single player that couldn't squeeze more money out of us.
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4 – Pre-Orders?

10 years ago Pre-Orders should have started to die out, but they are all cropping up all over the place.
A pre order 10+ years ago meant you could go into a store and pre order a game to guarantee that you would get a copy if the game sells out. Which did often happen when the latest games were released. That of course is no longer the case. With the rise of digital content and downloads, there is no need to pre order, because they will never run out of digital stock. It is quite litterally limitless, they could sell 10 billion copies and still not run out of fucking stock. A pre-order today is just a way for the publishers to charge you an extra premium on top of an already expensive game. You are paying for content to arrive when they decide to release the game. There is no guarantee that the game is any good or worth what you pay. Just take a look at 'No Mans Sky' and how that failed.
It is a way for publishers to lock you into a purchase without seeing the final product, which could end up being a game along the same lines as E.T. for the Atari, and there would be nothing you could do to get your money back.
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3 – Hype.

This is something that happens with almost every triple A title today, the publishers give us a glimpse at what the game may look like and with some cleaver marketing, they hype up a game that has not yet been seen by anyone.
And we are fools to believe them and get on board the hype train along with everyone else. Believe it or not, this can actually be a bad thing for the Devs and Publishers. Take a look at Destiny, I don't think there was a billboard anywhere that didn't have a destiny poster on it. The ad campaign was huge and the hype was even bigger, but when the game finally came out, it was buggy, slow, boring and a waste of money. It took the Devs 6 further months to fix the game and another 6 to improve it. This hurt the sales and reputation of both the game and the devs, so much so that the sales of Destiny 2 are less than half there predicted targets. All because there own hype from the first backfired and many gamers won't trust them to deliver a polished game.
Its the same story all over the industry, and Publishers will never learn.
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2 – Critics.

I fucking hate critics with a passion, unless its about a sandwich, then I'm OK with it.
Critics are slaughtering the game industry and can be easily be influenced to give better scores to games than they deserve, or vice versa for competition with some under the table action. AKA bribes.
How will you know if a game is full of bugs or any good to play unless someone has tried it out first. Critics are just one persons opinion, and they are like balloon knots (arse holes), everyone has one, not everyone wants to see it. In this day and age, it is easy to see what a game is like, go on you tube or any of a number of streaming sites to find out for yourself and then you can make your own informed decision if you should spend the money or not. You don't need a trumpet up little shit to tell you what a game is like nor do you need to or visit game critic sites. Actually go and ask a gamer! There are other ways to measure how good a game is and a metric score is not it.
Image Source - Just don't watch this idiots you tube, he is a Nazi prick who needs to be shot.

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1 – Loot Boxes.

Anything and Everything has been said about loot boxes and I am going to say it again.
They are the bane of any game that uses them. It is just another way for publishers to cash in more. There have been a fair few notable games in recent memory that have been pay to win thanks to loot boxes, the most notable of which was Star Wars Battlefront II, in which rich kids and uber fans forked out the money to make sure they could beat anyone and everyone, and on the flip side of that same coin was the kids who are fans but not a lot of money, (like me) getting their arse handed to them every time they entered a server.
Many other games that do use loot boxes for cosmetic purposes only prosper without hurting the gameplay, community or there own wallets. Others like EA are just corporate dicks that make up for there own inadequacies with greed and money. This in turn leads to empty servers and gamers never using another game published by EA.
It has also been seen as a form of gambling, and it has been discussed at length in the courtrooms, resulting in the outright ban in Belgium, China and various US States. And current talks in the EU are trying to ban them outright in Europe. Well done EA, you bunch of small penis ingrates.
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It is sad to see the state in which the gaming industry is at the moment with publishers doing everything they can to keep it alive, when they are the ones killing it in the first place. The only people who deserve your money are the Indie game developers who make fantastic games and actually listen to the gaming community, not ignore it and demand we change to appease them.

Thanks for reading.

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Honestly, Electronic Arts stopped being a company I liked sometime in the late 1990s if not before.

Aye. Indie game dev offer some unique and rare genres. Will resteem as i find this topic interesting.

cheers buddy. much appreciated

Agree with every single point dude! Gaming culture has changed so much over the past decade! Love the articles man keep them up!

i will try buddy.

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