Gaming Top 5 - Part 85 - 5 Things That Piss Gamers Off The MOST!

in #gaming6 years ago

Gaming is a pastime that a lot of people do. Yet there are many things about gaming that will make us get pissed off.

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Whether you are a casual gamer that only ever plays games on a mobile phone, or an enthusiast with a full on gaming battle station with top of the line hardware, there are many aspects of gaming and the industry that can and will make you get very pissed off. But regardless, we still keep coming back for more, getting even more pissed off.

So here are 5 things about gaming that will piss you off.

5 - Game Breaking Glitches.

  • During the golden age of gaming during the 80's and 90's, game developers had no option but to make sure that the games they were making had no bugs, glitches or any other issue. This was because the games were sold as physical media, so there was no option to update, patch or bug fix after the fact. That is why almost all the games from that era had nearly no issues that were essentially game breaking.
    Because of the shift from physical to digital media, there is now an ongoing problem of developers and publishers releasing games before they have in fact been finished. The most notable example of this was when Assassins Creed Unity was launched in late 2014 for the PC, Xbox One and PS4. Across all the platforms, the game suffered from a wide range of technical problems from missing textures and models to full on game breaking glitches of which there were more than I would be willing to count. Eventually several patches were released for the game which fixed most of the problems, but the damage was already done and it pissed a lot of us off.
    This ongoing problem is still like a cancer in the gaming industry that doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. So regardless of what the game is, there is a possibility that it will be released with a glitch that you may come across during your gameplay. Most developers will patch problems such as this, but others will just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, leaving you with a dud game.

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4 - Microtransactions.

  • Speaking of Cancer within the gaming industry, another one is the ongoing 'cult' many triple A developers and publishers use is the need to put a price on anything and everything within a game, regardless of the fact you already spent $60 or more on it.
    There are of course some exceptions to this, and that is the free to play games that require microtransactions to pay for the development costs and ongoing support.
    In late 2017, EA was at the forefront of this issue with there ''pay to win'' lootbox system they placed in the Battlefront II game that left many of its players extremely pissed off that they spent $80 on the game, just to have some rich kid buy his way to winning.
    This is so problematic within the gaming industry that courts and governments around the world are looking into legalities of microtransactions and if they can be seen as a form of gambling.
    On the other side of that same coin, we have games such as Middle Earth Shadow of War where the game is next to impossible to complete unless you buy some of these microtransactions, which would piss you off by itself, but they go one step further by shoving them in you face whenever you complete a section or go to the menu screen.
    The issue with microtransactions is most notable in the mobile market, but it is being seen more and more in the console/PC gaming market, and serious gamers get pissed off with it and are making a stand against them.

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3 - DRM (Digital Rights Management)

  • This is more focused on the PC side of the gaming world and it is a problem that we are seeing less and less off, but is still something that annoys us to no end.
    Don't get me wrong, developers and the publishers all deserve to protect there work from people who will pirate there work and distribute it for profit or free online, but when they do use a DRM it essentially makes the game shit because in most cases it will limit the development and design of the game in question, forcing the devs to use alternatives to there higher grade and quality products they could have used if they didn't use DRM.
    Sure it makes the game harder to be pirated, but it also has a huge impact on the quality of the game also. But thanks to advancements in technology, 'hackers' and pirates becoming more ingenious, DRM is often circumvented anyway and the game gets pirated regardless.
    One game in particular, Game Dev Tycoon, purposely released and uploaded a torrent of there game that pirates could download, but the game was changed to troll the pirates by making the game, in the game get pirated so much, it ends the game, making it impossible to play. And the main game they released had no such issue and no DRM as most pirates thought they had the full version.

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2 - Pre Orders.

  • This is something that should no longer exist, but it still does despite the shift from physical to digital media.
    Pre Ordering a game was something that you could do when games were only ever sold as a physical disc or cartridge. It was to ensure that when the game you pre ordered was released, there was a copy reserved just for you. Yes you had to pay a small premium on top of the value of the game, but it was something most gamers were willing to pay to guarantee they would get a copy on the day of release in case the store sold out.
    Today however, the majority of games sold for modern consoles and PC's are all available via a digital download. Basically it works just like 'Copy & Paste'. There is a master file which is held by the online distributor and you are basically copying that game and downloading it onto your computer. There is no chance that the game will go ''Out of Stock''. It's impossible. Yet despite this small fact that many publishers seem to forget or ignore, there are still games that are sold as a Pre Order, complete with the same premium on top of the games bloated value.
    It annoys us gamers like mad that publishers increase a games value for no reason and ignore the fact that the game will never be out of stock anywhere. Its just a scam that many publishers cash in on without telling those that don't know or understand the truth.
    Deus Ex, Mankind Divided was one of the worst instances of pre orders seen in the gaming industry as it required a certain number of people to pre-order before it would unlock a bonus tier for you to select from, that wasn't worth a thing.

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1 - Bad Ports.

  • No not the HDMI or USB3 port kind, I am actually talking about game ports from one platform to another.
    Some games are only ever released on one, maybe 2 platforms for gamers to play with the third ignored altogether. Then for some reason or another, the publishers and/or Devs decide to take the existing game and port it over to the third platform. The problem with this is that each platform is very different. Consoles have a set of hardware that is unique to them and games are fairly easy to make for them. However PC's are a different breed altogether as there is so many different variations of hardware used. From older graphics cards to the latest CPU's, motherboards, RAM, Type, Speed....... the list goes on and there is almost no end to the different combinations of all these components. So when a game is ported over to a PC, the Devs have to make sure that there game will work on any of these combinations within the games minimum hardware requirements. Most of the time, Ports to PC are generally good quality with minimum issues. Take GTA V for example, it was released for the 360 and PS3 back in 2013, and the Port to PC was actually delayed by over 6 months past its 2014 release date as they had issues making it work with certain hardware. But it was released with next to no problems on the PC and gamers rejoiced.
    But there are the odd few games that are shit when they are ported to a different platform. Take Batman Arkham Knight for example, the Console version of the game was almost a flawless masterpiece that many gamers enjoyed and critics loved. Then came the PC version that was ported by IronClad Studios, not Rocksteady as so many people think. The game was locked at 30fps just like the console version, but the game would also suffer from game stuttering and frame drops down to the single digits, regardless of how good the system was it was being played on, among other glitches and bugs in the game. And there are many other titles that have been ported to an alternate platform that suffer similar issues.

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As a PC gamer, living in a house of 5,,,, all gamers too, there have been more than a few occasions where one of us have shouted out at the screen in rage because of one reason or another... more so the kids. With constant pressure on developers to make a game within a certain time period, publishers releasing games too soon, or before they were finished, shady actions from the likes of EA and there questionable practices..... it is always us, the gamers who have to suffer with the constant BS that does make us all shout out in anger at one time or another.
There are very few gaming companies that make games for the gamers and actually listen to what it is they want. Others, usually ones that go corporate like EA, Konami and Ubisoft, force crap down our throat that we don't want, assuming that they know exactly what we want, thinking they know best.

Getting pissed off and annoyed at games or the industry is something that can not be avoided in this day and age. Instead it is more a question of how much or how little you get pissed off and how you handle it. Myself, I tend to turn the game off and watch a movie instead. While the kids will just continuously shout at the screen if they do get pissed off.

What pisses you of about games or the gaming industry?
Let us know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.

Stu @TechMojo

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Following up on my latest archdruid gaming post on Diablo 2 nostalgia....
I hate it when you have to wait almost two decades for a follow-up to your favorite game, during which time the giant studio who publishes that game doesn't even bother to do some of the most basic community management, patching, and support for their loyal players.
And then, when the follow-up gets released it is quickly turned into an entirely different experience to fit into their bigger theory of how gaming ought to be and fit nicely into their all-encompassing battlenet experience... but fail to listen to their loyal players of 20 years as to what kept them playing for so long.

And then there are the follow-ups you are still waiting for. I'm still waiting for a new game in the X-Wing series...

i hear that.... i am hoping that the new MechWarrior 5 that is up for launch later this year, keeps what made 4 and vengeance as good as they were. but it does annoy the shit out of me because its been 16 years since they announced it. i hate internal industry politics. just make the god damn game already!

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