Gaming Top 5 - Part 2 - New Zombie Games for 2018 - Video trailers and release dates.

in #gaming7 years ago

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Continuing with the Halloween theme from the last ''Gaming Top 5'' post, I have searched for what could be some of the best next gen games to be released by Christmas 2017 to early 2018. that is if they don't delay the launch dates. So here is my top 5 pick of Zombie games for 2018..

5 – Dead Matter;-
Believe it or not, but when you watch the trailer video for Dead Matter, the company behind the development, Quantum Integrity, started a Kick starter campaign to help fund this game.
The idea behind the game was to create a true, post apocalyptic sandbox MMO game that you could play however you see fit. Think of mad max with zombies. The trailer looks insane. And I can not wait to play the final version.
The Alpha Demo will be available early 2018.
Official Dead Matter Website

4 – Walking Dead Final Season;-
The walking dead is a phenomenal TV show. So is the spin off, Fear the Walking Dead. TellTale games Waking Dead is equally as popular with its own spin off games.
TellTale design the games primarily for the mobile market, but other platforms can play it also. The main problem when it comes to console or PC platforms is the Graphics do kinda suck. But the story lines, the voice acting and the overall atmosphere the games create makes up for the lack of graphic detail. Fortunately though, as technology has been improving since the first season, the Graphics are slowly getting better with each release and generation of mobile tech, so the last season should be even more epic than season 1,2, Michonne and survival instinct combined.
Release date will be early to mid 2018.
Official TellTale Site

3 – Overkills the Walking Dead;-
Yes I know, I have 2 Walking dead title in this list, but switching from the strictly mobile orientated market, to completely unhinged graphical detail. The Game will be a Co-op first person shooter, survival horror game with aspects of stealth, role playing and action. Oh and did I mention, it is designed around VR? If you have a high end gaming pc and a VR headset, this will truly be a game to make you shit your pants.
Release Date will be Early 2018.
Official Overkills Waking Dead Site

2 – Dead Island 2;-
The hugely popular Dead Island was a fantastic FPS survival horror game, with awesome graphics, sweet as f**k story line and the gameplay was very smooth. The sequel however has been in development since 2014, the Development stalled due to internal politics with Yager Development. So in March 2016, Sumo Digital took over and has significantly improved upon the game design and mechanics. The original trailer looked awesome, the new one is epic.
Set for release for November/December 2017, but not confirmed.
Official Dead Island 2 Site

1 – Metal Gear Survive;-
When this game was first announced it was being developed, a lot of people thought Kojima had completely lost it. But when you take everything that made Metal Gear Solid 5 great, combine that with Improved Graphics, a story line that links to the series and Zombies, with more Zombies... its enough to make you have a geeky sex wee. And to top it off, it will be a sandbox MMO. Yeah. Finally a real online zombie game to get you wet. That is why this game is at the top of the list, and critics agree too after seeing the Trailer and demo videos. I want this game.
Release Date is to be early 2018. and Kojima better not put that back, or I may just have to fly to japan and kick him in his ovaries.
Official Metal Gear Rising Site

I know its Halloween soon, but I want to party like its 1999 after watching some of these trailers.

Thanks for reading.
#tech mojo footer.png
Stu @TechMojo


Funny montage, thanks again :) I always like to read your reviews!

I almost got scared when scrolling through news feed and seeing the zombie picture! I guess I'm too weak :))

I miss my Playstation. It got damaged in the Baton Rouge flood last year. Sooner or later I'm going to get a new one.

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