Favorite Twitch Streamers You've Probably not Heard of: Asmodai

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Interesting, Calm and Unbelievable at Hearthstone!

We all know that the highest earning content here on Steemit isn't necessarily the best! In that same fashion, the streams on Twitch.tv with the most viewers doesn't always mean it's the highest quality available. So I wanted to write a short series covering my favorite Hearthstone and Destiny 2 streamers over the last year.

With there being people that have a much larger viewership, it's sometime easy to miss the great content creators down the list. That's right...I said content creators..just like we do here on Steemit. There is a lot of time, work and talent needed to be able to build up and maintain a viewership. Those who are able to have content creation as their full time job typically have been able to take things to a whole other level! In my opinion Asmodai is a part of the 'Gold Standard' in this field as a part of Complexity Gaming.

A Bit about Asmodai

You see, there are some core reasons we watch people who stream games. The bigger ones include:

  • Being good at the game
  • Being entertaining
  • Connecting and being interactive with their viewers

Asmodai easily pulls all of these off!

Now first off, Asmo is an amazing Hearthstone player to watch! I've seen him reach Legend Rank 1 on the ranked ladder many times over the months. In fact the picture at the beginning of this post is of him reaching this top rank (from his Twitter with his permission). While you don't see him playing in tournaments (not his preference) he's constantly a force to be reckoned with on the ranked Hearthstone ladder.

One of the best parts is being able to learn by watching him. He's excellent at thinking out loud so you can understand his thought processes, letting you then apply these lessons to your own game! Many times I've seen him makes moves that I wouldn't have even thought of one day and the next I get to beat somebody with it! Just by spending time in his stream, you can improve your own game!

He's easy to follow, understand and I have to say that his soft Norwegian accent is a 'cherry on top'.

Even outside of Hearthstone, I've loved hearing him talk about his background with Digital Media, Playing Poker and his Experiences in general. He often gives amazing knowledge that can benefit anyone, especially those who are content creators. (I'm looking at all you Steemians out there!)

Asmo the Entertainer

I have two words for you...Shoulder Dancing! I remember months ago when I got to see him start dancing on the stream...obviously from the shoulders up. While this alone was immensely entertaining for me, he also gave some backstory on how he started getting in this rather unheard of practice. The head bobs and shoulder shakes kept me glued to the screen for way longer than I'd ever have expected.

His ability to share personal stories to connect with the audience is one of his most understated characteristics. Being able to cut through all the noise in today's attention economy is really a difficult thing to do. When you're not learning something strategic, I guaranty Asmodai is doing something that keeps you glued to the screen. I've had found myself enthralled for hours before! And remember that I could be playing the game I'm watching him play myself...but I'm more entertained watching him do it!

Master of Calm, Audience Interaction

I guaranty that many people would fade away from watching a gamer stream rather quickly if it wasn't for promoting audience participation. Now I know this doesn't sound like a huge thing, but it really helps keep you stay on the stream. Asmo has many ways that he accomplishes this including reading and responding to questions in chat, periodic giveaways and of course him calling for chat to give 'Dabs' to a new supporter. (Subscribers put some 'Dab' emotes into the chat.)

A huge thing that I appreciate from streamers is when they are generally calm and collected. It's not fun for me to watch people flip out and scream. Those guys get turned off immediately no matter how good they are at a game or how many viewers they have. Asmodai has a wonderful presence that comes across as quite genuine, yet never boring. It's one of his greatest characteristics in my opinion and a big part of what has kept me around for so long (as well as donating over $100 worth of bits to him.)

In the end, I would have write an entire book to even scratch the surface of who Asmo is as a person, gamer and master content creator. Even if you're not a Hearthstone player, I highly recommend you check out his stream, especially if you post here on Steemit. You'll find yourself picking up so many things that you can turn around and apply to your own content creation strategy!

How, When and Where to Find Asmodai

Twitch Stream:

4pm - 12pm CEST (3pm-11pm GMT)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/col_asmodai
(This is where you can find his deck lists.)

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_288Ubil1n0kseG1mMShA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cts88/

I truly hope you check him out and enjoy the stream!

Image Sources:
Rank 1 - used with permission
Dab Emote


Ooohhhh what a timely post! Kobolds and Catacombs was just released! I've been playing the dungeons, but I've only reached the fifth one haha!

Hehe...I swear it just happened that way!
I've still not logged in since it released...50 packs there waiting for me :)
The dungeons looked fun...a nice change of pace. At least for a while

50 packs!? How!? I've just finished one. Quite challenging haha!


Hahaha! It wouldn't be Asmo without dat dab! Numba One! lol

first of all thank you for introducing me to Twitch.tv , your previous post inspired me to check out Twitch.tv and it's awesome.
Secondly I would like to appreciate you for highlighting the best streams in Twitch.tv , it helps me to understand it more.
Thanks @sykochica for this great post

Just watched for a bit and really enjoyed! Haven’t played Hearthstone in quite a while and it gave me the itch... He rocks out to some great music too... lots of electro swing type stuff I was digging!

Oh nice! I'm really glad you enjoyed!!
You also got the 'hearthstone itch' at a great time...the newest expansion was just released today! Lol

I had no idea! I actually purposely uninstall it when it makes me feel guilty that I’m not getting much creative work done... but maybe a quick download wouldn’t hurt... 😬

I totally understand. I go through phases when I don't play Hearthstone for a long while and then fall back in for a while. Lately I've watched more streams than play, but I blame the recent overtime for that. Lol

Just played a bit! Got rewards for the August season, so that’s how long it was.
What the heck happened! Tons of free cards and most of the adventures are free now? I’m not complaining, just a shock to see tons of new options and maybe a bit more level play field for non spending players.

They've slowly gotten better about that. Giving a few packs here, few packs there, free arena entry, etc which definitely was nice.

They also changed it so when you get legendary cards from packs, it will only give you one you don't have. So you won't a duplicate until you have them all. :)

very nice article and nice song
thanks for sharing
upvote comment and follow

Cool thanks for sharing in details :D

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