Arena Exclusive Class Cards Are Back !

in #gaming7 years ago

Well I was playing an Arena match today everything was going great untill some shaman used Crackling Doom and destroyed my full board with 0 Mana. I said myself was that card even in game ? and I remembered the special occasion.

These cards were in game in early 2017 for test purposes , however this time they might be permenant for Arena occasion only. I couldn't find any update release from Blizzard about this.

  • Deadeye is a strong Hunter card , because it covers the lack of control for Hunter class , 2 damage to minions is quite effective.

  • I'm not fan of this different type of Transform but it is effective in some areas , you can discover quite strong legendary minions and use it on your fairly weaker ones.

  • Blazing longsword is another useless one , It may never work in arena because once you lose the board in Arena it is quite hard to comeback but this may help it in early stages.

  • Well the only Reason why Hand of Salvation is good is , people can't guess it is that secret. The unpredictibility may ruin your opponents turn.

  • This one is quite useless too , only working scenario I can write is the Doomslayer and we all know that it won't happen in arena but still it is a good combo if you have a 1 mana minion in your hand. Arena is all about how you use your resources.

  • Smokebomb is kind of OK ? It is 1 mana card and if you are losing the board but the opponent can do a value trade you can prevent it with Smokebomb

  • Crackling Doom is the most overpowered class arena card it is guaranteed clear and an amazing powerplay , It is almost guaranteed board clear and pressure with your minions because it is 0 mana , who cares if you can't play anything in the next turn when you have minions on board.

  • Natures Champion is only good if you are going to make value trade and buff a low cost minion and buff it back.

  • Bottled Madness well this one is quite good because we all know that how strong can demons be , but it could be quite better if it only replaces your minions not spells.

Well eventhough I think most of these cards are unbalanced , I still think they are bringing some fun to the arena game. I always play arenas since the beggining I'm not really fan of ladder , therefore any chance in arena is fun for me.

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista!


The game looks very interesting, I belong to one of the people who like to play games, although I have never tried this game but I will try it sometime @steeminator3000

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