Why there’s a giant purge in sexual content in video games.

in #gaming6 years ago

Today we’re going to take a look into why I believe Sony is purging sexual content in all of their games.

TL;DR, soy is gonna soy.

When you go woke, you'll lose a lot of money

Previously in my videos, I touched on the possibility of Sony going broke from being woke. While it’s a bold claim, despite history proving this to be true time after time, I think we should look into why these companies are going this route.

Many times, we hear feminists and people that don’t even play games complain about the “mistreatment” of women in gaming. How sad do you have to be to protect the rights of a character that doesn’t even exist? This is Mr. Fantastic (or Elastic-girl for you kids out there) levels of reaching. 

It’s bad enough Anita Sarkkesian was more or less successful in her plan to do what Jack Thompson couldn’t do. The fact so many in mainstream gaming media are full of predatory soyboys and blue haired harpies that are protecting the “rights” and feelings of virtual women is downright scary.

Ignoring, of course, all of the sexual assault that goes on in the industry by said soyboys (Riot).

Instead of projecting the problem is outside, what do they do? They blame the consumer.

If you look at third wave feminism today, you’ll notice a trend that isn’t known to many.  I won’t go into looks because that’s too easy. Feminists tend to go after forms of entertainment and escapism for men simply because they want attention. Surprise, surprise, feminism is one big shit test. 

The men that know game and understand women know if you meet up with a woman and she does all she can to antagonize you and you react the way she wants you to, she’ll get pissed. She’ll get mad because her plan worked while secretly hoping it wouldn’t. So she’ll keep doing it to different men until someone or a whole group ignores her or does something she wouldn’t expect. To give you a visual example of this, here's a clip from the movie Hitch. Eva Mendez's character plays the example of a feminist, the guy complimenting her is a soyboy, and Will Smith's character is how people should react to these shit tests.

In the days of social media, women get all the virtual attention they want. They literally have a phone full of dicks. But that isn’t enough. Mainly because that lifestyle is pretty lonely. Follow a woman on Instagram with more than 5000 followers and look at her stories. They'll either be about how she's happy she doesn't have a man or she's lonely or she's fishing for compliments. 

The same can be said for a man. That dopamine rush of seeing pixilated ass and tiddies from either a real or virtual woman is competition to feminists and/or less than desirable women. Men arn’t going out of their way to talk to them or even build a serious relationship with them. Why bother going through rejection when it's easy to be in control of your pleasure. It’s part of why you see MGTOW and why there’s a rise in inceldom. 

What’s even scarier is the feminists that DO have boyfriends or husbands are STILL trying to get more attention from other men. That says a LOT about their relationships (Jim Sterling and his wife).

In the case of Sony, we have reason to believe the CEO is a white knight. He hears the cries of these feminists and is doing everything in his power to make their wishes come true.

“Kill the source of them ignoring us!”
“Yes ma’am!”

Since Sony moved their HQ to Soy Francisco, game developers and publishers in Japan have to clean up their games. We believed this applied to small developers but Tecmo Koei, a AAA game studio, isn’t immune to this either. The newest Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 will be purged on the PS4.

Say goodbye to this in North America (again).

Any game that’s going to be released on the Playstation 4 and Vita will have to go through last minute changes. It’s one thing if it’s for the North American release but the Japanese release of these games will be neutered also. Japanese employees that work on these games have to be livid they have to listen to Americans on what’s allowed on a system made by them. It’s quite possible Japanese gamers on sites like 2chan are also displeased about this.

While feminists and white knights are fighting for the “protection” of women, they’ve overlooked the fact most people involved in these games are indeed women. Whether they’re creators or consumers, women make up a huge fanbase of lewd games. Whether it’s boys love or boy/girl, you’ll see women in Japan, South Korea, and the United States read and/or watch this material. 

Now if you tell a regular person that doesn’t play games this, they might agree that this is a good thing. The problem with listening to them is they’ll forget about it in an hour and they won’t even know the game is coming out soon. That’s what it is with the people complaining about this. Targeting people like this is ASKING to go broke and not a single tear will be shed.

Back to the games, Nintendo and Steam can and are taking full advantage of this. While the white knights and blue-haired harpies are potentially killing Sony’s profits, Nintendo and co. are and will make bank! Best believe when you take away a man’s ability to enjoy what a man likes, consequences are bound to happen.

If you want proof of this, read Fight Club. If you want an even deeper look, read Pimp.

Take care, peace & love, and game on!

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