Working on New Boardgame

in #gaming6 years ago

So I want to add some more games to Steemit.
Not sure if I should do sci fi or fantasy 1st.

So the goal will be to allow you to earn items that will be transferred to your Steem account. These items will be able to. E used in all the games that work within the game system.

This will also be open to other designers to use.

So an example would be as follows:

You play through a dungeon crawl and get a +2 shield.
The next game you play is a sci-fi shooter, your +2 shield is allowed to be a starting item for your character.

These items will be owned by the players and can be traded etc...

Let me know what game you want to see 1st. I will be working on multiple games at the same time, but I can post daily design updates on the fantasy or sci-fi you want to see 1st.

Looking forward to taking this journey with you all.

Also. I am not afraid to accept help. 😀image.jpg


I played Living City for years with the RPGA Network and was the entire Triad for the region of Ratik at the start of Living Greyhawk. Using Steemit as a gaming platform actually sounds like a really cool idea. I've never done play by post, but now my brain hamsters are running on their wheels....

OMG I forgot about Living Greyhawk.
Was that on the old GEnie dial up network ?

Yes I feel play by post is the best way to get started on Steem because it can reward players with posting rewards (upvotes) for taking part.

Let me know if you have any ideas. In the next week or so I will setup a discord.

The idea of play by post reminds me of an old rp forum I used to hang out on where when you made posts you got gold and maybe some items depending on a RNG. Honestly though this sounds amazing because I love games (and that box of dice and tokens is like my heaven right now!) and something on the Steem platform would be amazing. I vote fantasy first, and if you need someone to bounce ideas off of let me know because I'd be happy to help :D

Thanks for the feedback.

After talking to a lot of people fantasy will be 1st.

I will reach out with ideas.

My 1st game will be boardgames based like how @happyme is running a game.

But I plan on moving into more RPG posts. I have some interesting ideas.

how does one interface with this in your ideas?

During the early design it will be through daily posts of the boardgames.
The items will be given to the players with a Json steemit entry.

I am working on the code for Gambit right now (my racing boardgame). I really want this to be as decentralized as possible.

Is that along the lines of what you are asking ?

I am open to any ideas you have. I want to create an eco system for players / designers.

I am willing to release everything I create to public domain to help jumpstart this

feels like the 80s and message board gaming lol

Yes for now.
It I am rolling all Steem funds from the projects into ‘modern’ games

You just planted 0.06 tree(s)!

Thanks to @simplegame

We have planted already 3272.54 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 18893.87
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

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