Mewtwo, "The perfect genetic manipulation."

in #gaming7 years ago

Mewtwo was created by genetic manipulation. But even though man created his body, endowing Mewtwo with a compassionate heart was forgotten.

Mewtwo is a legendary and artificial psychic type Pokémon introduced in the first generation.

It was created by Dr. Fuji from Mew's DNA.

Mewtwo is the result of the ambitions of human beings in the creation of a genetically enhanced (or rather improved) reproduction of Mew.

It is one of the first Pokémon created by science. The scientists who created it dreamed of creating the strongest Pokémon in the world, and according to Dr. Fuji they succeeded.

Mewtwo is extremely skilled with his psychic powers: he can fly through levitation, communicate telepathically, reflect attacks as hyperrays, block the special abilities of other Pokémon and take control of the mind of another living creature through hypnosis. He is able to conserve his energy by remaining totally immobile, releasing it in combat to enhance his attacks.

My personal thoughts about Mewtwo:
I always liked it. I remember the first time I saw it, I was quite small. I also remember that my friends captured him in the GameBoy Advance, and since then he became one of the pokemons in which I put more interest.

Its design seems spectacular, as well as all its power in combat. Little more to say.

What do you think about Mewtwo?
You can find more info about it here: Mewtwo Pokedex

Image Sources: Thumbnail Insert Coin, Thumbnail Mewtwo Sticker, Thumbnail Mewtwo
Both the information and the images / gifs do not belong to me. Information obtained from


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