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RE: Zombie Adventure - Game 40 - Day 14 (Aug. 21, 2019)

in #gaming5 years ago

Not really knowing what to do or where to go, the familiarity of home seems to tug at his consciousness, so he goes home to his house and plops himself onto his bed while waiting for something to happen. He soon hears the commotion outside as the authorities arrive but he dare not look out the window in case someone should see him. Instead he just rests on his bed and tries to make sense of what all just happened this evening. Soon, he is not sure if he is dreaming or if it was indeed all real.

Quite some time passes and Skyler wakes up to the sound of someone ringing the doorbell and pounding on the door. He gets up to see what is going on. He feels awful, as if he had fallen down a set of stairs, but otherwise, he seems to be in good health. He looks at his hands. There is a middle finger missing, but it has healed over as if the finger were lost years ago. Skyler is totally confused. He goes to answer the door.

Skyler opens the door and there is a policeman standing in front of him. The sun is just about to rise and there is a slight hint of daylight, but it is still dark. Skyler is kind of frozen in place with one hand still holding the door while thoughts flash through his head. Should he run?

Before Skyler can do anything, the police officer asks Skyler, "Are you all right, son?"

Skyler stammers, "Uh, yea. I think so."

"Good! Mind if I look around? Some crazy stuff has been going on around here and we need to check every house to make sure everyone is safe." responded the officer.

"Stuff?" questioned Skyler. "What kind of stuff?"

The officer responded, "Well, for one, next door to you we found a lady and 2 babies that were acting real strange. Probably drugged or something. And up the street there was a house that completely burned down. The fire department said it seemed to have been a drug-house. We haven't determined if there is any relationship between the two yet. Plus, we're finding dead bodies all over the place." He then asks Skyler to turn on the lights so he can see. Skyler obliges and both are shocked to see blood everywhere. Then they see the bodies!

"What do you know about this?" asks the officer.

end of my turn.

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