I'm the least talented Fifa 17 player ever : what should I do ?

in #gaming7 years ago

The Fifa series has always been one of my favourite games to play. One issue : I'm really really bad.

I do a lot of daytrading and managed to have a 'decent' premier league team.


However with the team above I never managed to get above level 7 in FUT (currently in 8). Sometimes when people have their microphones turned on I hear them talking wtf how did he manage to get this team.
They assume ive put some real money in it. But no I do a lot of transfers, practice a lot but no i just suck

What should I do ? I really like the game but losing and losing is ruining it a bit


hey man, looks like you have a nice squad there pal. Im guessing you are pretty young or havent played the game for many of years like myself. I suggest that you just keep playing the game and put in the hours cause thats how you truely improve. Dont shy away from players that are better than you, and also play the cpu in a higher difficulty where you can just about manage to grab a draw. You will learn the game mechanics in this sense. There are also many youtube channels out there with tips and hints. Check mine out at http://www.youtube.com/peelie9 I will have tips for fifa 18. Apart from that, try and learn you mistakes, where you are going wrong and what you can do to improve in the next 90mins. Are you rushing passes, picking the wrong options, dribbling at the wrong times, choosing the wrong shots etc.

I wish you all the luck in the future man! Keep on gaming!!


Thanks man :) its even worse than you think. Im 36 and I play fifa since the first fifa was released :)

Also my squad is that good because I do a lot of transfers and also play alot.

Ive read lots of tutorials and know what I should do. To be honest I think im just too slow

Really frustrating because I really enjoy the game. Im not sure if ill go for fifa 18 :)

Ah man, thats such a shame! At 36 your reactions just aint the same as your early 20s! And most of your opponents will be around 15-25, who are in there peak, and do nothing else other than play the game!

Dont be to harsh on yourself though, you obviously have alot more priorites at 36 than most of your opponents, so there is no shame in being worse or slow!

Still get FIFA 18, to enjoy it, play at a level where there is fun. Also join a pro clubs team, where its a team based game rather than individual skill! You clearly still have fun, so don't give up on that aspect of the game!

Keep on gaming!


Thats also my excuse. And its worse Im so bad Im mostly playing 10 years olds with their mices on :)

I see the humour but still !

Ill start playing agains my 2 year old soon before he also gets better than me :)

Hahaha! Nice man. Im sure there is a way to mute them, I think you have to press pause then square to get player name list up then mute them from there. If not just create a party and there will be no game chate, unkess you like hearing 10 yo scream when they score lol.

Get your 2 year old training now! Have you seen how much these e-sports events are paying out nowadays! Its crazyyy

I will immediately put on this mute it drives me crazy. It also feels a bit wrong with children on the other side...

Not sure my boy will be talented, with his genetic background :)

Hahaha! Im sure he will be great!! Make sure you keep us updated with your fifa 18 progress!

Keep on gaming!

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