My Favorite Sound Tracks From Games

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

My Favorite Sound Tracks From Games 

Games are usually remembered by it's gameplay,story or awesome action. But sometimes, soundtrack plays a huge impact setting up a game's environment. Today I am gonna share my all time favorite soundtracks from various games. I love them all(I am gonna listen them all while writing this). So,they arent sorted in any order.

Max Payne Main Theme

What can say about this soundtrack? This awesome soundtrack puts you right into the struggle Max having after lossing his wife and kid. The self struggle,struggle for revenge everything is mashed up in this track. Even now I am feeling nostalgic while listening to this masterpiece while writing this. 

Composer: Kärtsy Hatakka, Kimmo Kajasto 

Assassin's Creed II: Theme Ezio's Family

The awesomeness of this track cant be described in word.

It is a great life we lead, brother." 

"The best. May it never change."

 "And may it never change us." 

(This Music Plays)

Ubisoft Presents: ASSASSIN'S CREED II

Even on this day this make me emotional.

Composer: Ubisoft

Crysis 2 OST - Epilogue "Main Theme" 


If you dont love this music then you got some serious problem sir! This soundtrack altogether explain the serious disaster that is going on and The Prophet Resistance toward it. Damn this is giving me chill!!!

Composer: Hans Zimmer

Devils Never Cry

One of the best hack and slash game i have ever played. From DMC 3. This soundtrack resembles the clash between two brother. Just one thing to say,"Devil Never Cry..Whatever Happens".

Composer: Tetsuya Shibata, Kento Hasegawa


Battlefield 4 Theme Song

O my god!!! The build up this soundtrack is so awesome. You just cant ignore it. Though Battlefield 3 was more awesome than 4 to me,but this soundtrack stands out different.

Composer: EA Games

Thanks for reading post everyone. Hope you guys also enjoy these soundtracks. See you soon on another post.

Video Source: YouTube


Mi soundtrack favorito es el de Okami.
Si no lo has jugado, pues, necesitas hacerlo.

La música por si sola vale.

Is this game or anime buddy? not familiar with the name... :/

Es un juego.
Salió para el PS2 y Wii.

Es una joya.
Se parece mucho a The Legend of Zelda, pero más asiático, jajaja.

I see.I am mainly a PC gamer. Thats why it sounds new...

¿Entonces por qué en tu lista no aparece Skyrim? Ese sin duda es uno de los mejores soundtracks.

I dont know. :| that soundtrack didnt attract me as much these tracks do...

:( Tan bueno que es.

Pero claro, tu elección también es buena. Sobretodo Max Payne. Ese juego es una obra de arte.

Max Payne is not just a game.It is a feeling. :'(

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