Top 5 dusty Nintendo franchises that need a revival

in #gaming7 years ago


Nintendo has a huge and rich catalog of beloved franchises. While they love to trot them out when the newest iteration of Smash Bros hits, they’re much more reluctant to actually give them their own games. I was shocked when Punch Out got a new installment on the Wii, but what else are they sitting on that needs to be dusted off and brought back to life?

#5 Earthbound

Image source: Earthbound Wiki

An obvious choice, Earthbound is a fan favorite. The Mother series was primarily a Japanese franchise, but Nintendo decided to bring Earthbound to the US and while it didn’t initially set the sales charts on fire, what it did accomplish was creating a legion of die-hard fans over the next 20+ years. Earthbound is one of the most expensive games to collect on the Super Nintendo and its fans have been screaming for a sequel for years.

The re-release of Earthbound on the Wii U shows Nintendo is at least listening to its fans, so hopefully we’ll see this series get a true sequel sometime soon.

#4 Eternal Darkness

Image source: DumeeGamer

While the game was developed by now-defunct developer Silicon Knights, the Gamecube survival-horror title was groundbreaking and loved by both critics and fans. For those who’ve never heard of it, the game used an innovative ‘sanity meter’ that decreased as your character encountered monsters and supernatural events. If the sanity dropped too low, the game would start introducing tricks to mess with the player, like simulating a game crash or turning the volume of your TV down, showing blood dripping down the walls and even acting like the game erased all the data on your memory card.

Its time to see this series revived. I can’t wait to see what type of sanity effects they could pull off with the Switch.

#3 Chibi-Robo

Image source:

While we did get a new entry a few years ago on the 3DS, its time for a full-fledged console-based sequel. Chibi-Robo is a simple, yet addictive game where you play as the diminutive robot whose goal is to keep the home of its owners clean and tidy. The challege of the game is navigating the average family home when you’re just 4 inches tall. With about 15 years of technological advances since the original, the basic concept of the game could be revisited and greatly expanded on.

#2 Paper Mario (proper)

Image source: Just RPG

This is cheating even more, since there were Paper Mario titles released on the Wii, Wii U and 3DS, but none of them were true followups to the N64 original and Gamecube sequel. The exploration, party system, combat and sense of humor in these games is top notch and while we appreciate getting games in the Paper Mario franchise, its not the same if they’re not true sequels to the core Paper Mario RPG series.

#1 F-Zero

Image source: Giant Bomb

I’ve barked up this tree before, but its way past time for a new F-Zero game. The last console entry we got was F-Zero GX on the Gamecube way back in 2003. Fifteen years is far too long to see one of Nintendo’s most beloved franchises go cold.

GX was developed by Sega and published by Nintendo. Let’s go the same route, but this time farm it out to developer Shin’en Multimedia who has created the wonderful F-Zero clone series FAST Racing. With three titles in the series, including the beautiful FAST Racing RMX on the Switch, they’re already experienced enough to take the reins and create a new entry for Nintendo of this classic racing franchise.

What series would you like to see get dusted off and brought to new consoles? Anything Nintendo I’ve overlooked? What about neglected franchises on other consoles? Let’s discuss!


Thanks for reading. As always, upvotes, resteems and comments are appreciated!

Cover Image Source: Verdict


Completely agree with your list and I even mentioned Eternal Darkness regarding a previous article!
I've been pining for a new/HD F Zero game for ages and managed to fill the niche with Fast Racing Neo on Wii U; I hear the Switch version is just as good.
I really need to look into Chibirobo as it's passed me by. Thanks again for a great read! :)

Is it weird that I have never heard of Chibirobo? I agree a lot of these games could use a revival or a remake. The problem however is I’m not sure if they are big enough to sustain a remake. If they remake these games I’m not sure the sequel will honestly be successful. I could be wrong, Earthbound is still the only game that has a relevant character (Ness) in a currently made game.

Great list! You're asking us about overlooked Nintendo franchises but you've already covered the most well-known ones so it's gonna be tough. I'll give it a shot though (in no particular order):

Only two games were originally released on the NES and younger Nintendo fans may not know about this franchise that's full of American cultural references unless people point the towards Nintendo's Virtual Console.

Ice Hockey
While I had a lot of fun with Konami's Blades of Steel where players could beat each other up, Nintendo's Ice Hockey added another layer of strategy by allowing you to assemble your team with players of varying proportions which affect both their strengths and weaknesses. Having either a sequel or a remake on the Switch with this gameplay in mind could be interesting.

Duck Hunt
I know you can find shooters on both the Wii and the Wii U but having a Duck Hunt sequel also means having the opportunity to convince Nintendo to bring the dog back so we can punish him if he dares to laugh at us again whenever we miss the ducks.

Super Mario Bros. 2 / Yume Kôjô: Doki Doki Panic
There may be truckloads of Mario games but how about making one featuring Wart as the main antagonist? While we're at it, let's also bring Mouser back.

Super Princess Peach
I understand in order to shake off Princess Peach's damsel-in-distress stereotypical role and empower her, Nintendo may have tried to make her the main protagonist out to save Mario in Super Princess Peach but using emotions as a gameplay mechanic might not have been the best way. I think a reboot is worth a shot.

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