Doom, The Movie From Hell - Positives - Rerez

in #gaming7 years ago

When I think of a first-person shooter I think of Doom. You know what I don't think of when I think of Doom? Movies. But they made one and a lot of people seem not to like it. I'm one of those people, sort of. Let's find the positives.


Doom should have worked as a movie and the reason is just because Doom the game was exciting but easy to follow. I don't think there's any doubt in anyone's mind that Doom the video game was revolutionary. It wasn't the first first-person shooter by any stretch of the imagination but it changed the landscape of first-person shooters and one of the main reasons for that was its violence and open world combat. The plot of the original Doom video game pretty much just focuses on a marine going to Mars and killing a bunch of demons. I know there's a bigger story than that but I don't care, it's Doom. Doom is all about collecting key cards and killing demons that's all it's ever been about for me and that's all I've ever wanted from it. A very simple plot structure. I mean you're there, you're on Mars, you're shooting demons, how hard could that be to put into a movie? Well see in Doom the game you rip open a portal to Hell on Mars and it's all demons and devils and creatures like that and Doom the movie they went the genetic route. There are no demons in the Doom movie. Which is shocking because that's like the only thing you really need to have in that movie. So people on Mars found deformed humanoid bodies and they took them back and did some genetic research on them. And hey guess what those deformed bodies have an extra chromosome in them! So they go I got a great idea, they're humanoid so let's see what happens when we put that chromosome into us because obviously we're not going to have the deformities. Obviously nothing bad is going to happen! When is there going to be a good plot in a video game movie? It's not that hard. So yeah not surprisingly the Doom movie looked like a terrible film for a lot of people. Not even taking into consideration that the movie is kind of vanilla and playing at a lot of points and is incredibly slow to get into the violent aspects of going around shooting things it just seems to be a pretty basic film. Not even that great of an action film all things considered.


I'm not going to beat around the bush there's one reason to see Doom. They did a beautiful first-person action scene. Now I remember making fun of the scene when I first saw it in the theater but I have to admit it kind of works. And as a fan of the video game you have to enjoy it. How could you not enjoy it? The first-person sequence in this movie actually looks really cool. A first-person sequence that feels exactly like the Doom video game it's the best thing in Doom by far. Something I wasn't expecting to work but it actually did so the first positive is that Doom has a first-person sequence. Doom is a movie that could not have been made with anything less than a R rating. Why? Because Doom the video game is an extremely violent game. Chainsaws cutting people in half, shotguns blowing off heads, guts streaming onto the floor. I don't really care about ultra violent video games but Doom just kind of hit me at a sweet spot when I was a kid playing it. And it really seemed to be this game that was treating me like an adult rather than a child and it made me mature a heck of a lot faster. So I was very happy to see that the creators of this movie didn't fall back on a PG-13 rating. They went all the way to R. So the fact that it was a rated R movie, the fact that it had all the violence and gore that it did was fantastic. And they actually achieved this with a lot of practical effects. So the second positive is that this movie has an R rating.


In every movie I've ever watched Dwayne Johnson has always been the hero. The guy that always saves the day at the end so I think everyone including myself went into this film thinking he was going to be the hero. He was going to be the guy to survive, he was going to be the guy to save the day. You look at him and he's the leader of the group so based off of movie logic you assume that he's the good guy. But then he turns and it was brilliant. At the end of this film he just kind of really steals the show. It showed that Dwayne Johnson is not going to be your generic action hero. He really was capable of being a villain. And you what it really worked. So the third positive is that the Rock turns. When Doom the movie came out there was something a little off about it. The aesthetic. It wasn't the classic Doom that people remembered. At the time when people thought Doom they remembered Doom 1 and Doom 2. But in Doom 3 which was released just one year prior to Doom the movie it had a different look. You're on a space station, it's dark and well when things are dark you need a flashlight. So no worries Marine just grab your gun and your flashlight and go to town. But what's that you can't do both at the same time? Yes in Doom 3 every gun is too large to hold a flashlight at the same time and apparently duct tape didn't exist. This created a horrible gameplay mechanic that left you shooting madly into the dark because you couldn’t see a bloody thing. This was something that was corrected in Doom the movie because guess what there's a flashlight on the gun. It makes perfect sense and they were able to do it in a way that still kept the tension, still kept a bit of the scares and it was okay by me. And I pretty much think that because of everybody's backlash about the flashlights in the video game the BFG edition came out featuring the flashlights hooked onto the guns. I can't believe it took that long for that to happen. So the fourth positive is that there's a flashlight on the gun. I have to say that Doom isn't the worst film ever made. It's not even the worst video game film out there and if you're a fan of the original Doom franchise like I am you may find this movie really, really cool. It's incredibly violent which is because of the R rating. The Rock has a very interesting turn in the film and I really do appreciate that flashlight thing. Doom the movie, something you should probably watch.

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Wider full amazing movi

You remind me of Doom-3 game on PC, its hooro game that i played alot! :-)
Will definitely watch Doom when its come to DOOM :D

Dunno about the movie...but DOOM (the last PS4 game) is fucking awesome!

damn awesome..i will watch it

That is very best.I like it.And i appreciate your good description blog.Keep it up

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