Relaxing in New World

in #gaming3 years ago

What can I say about New World? It is relaxing to no end.


For now, I've given myself permission to completely 'nerd out' and play this awesome new MMO as much as I want. This basically comes down to all day long, which also has a practical function: I can avoid the login queues.

Although they have already added many servers, the login queues that have been present ever since day one are still kind of an issue. If you're just starting out, it's best to find a low population server, but doing that during release day didn't have much use. So my server is plagued by login queues.


So I log in once I'm up in the morning and play until I don't want to play anymore for the rest of the day. Inbetween, I do some real life chores, but I just have to make sure not to be afk for too long, so I don't get kicked out of my server. Yesterday was my first evening 'off'.

I love this game! There is so much to do, but there is no rushed feeling. There is no quest log maximum from what I've noticed so far, so wherever I go, I just pick up quests from NPCs, town boards and my faction representative. I then proceed to not doing those quests unless I happen to be in the area and I don't hand them in until I once again visit that particular town, mainly for banking issues.


Most of my time is spent gathering which leads to full banks. This, in turn, leads to crafting and selling things on the marketplace, so I can clear up some space in my banks. I gather faster than I can sell though, so bank space is still an issue. I have to start thinking more global an use all of the bank space in all of the cities, which I have started doing, based on which town has what crafting devices leveled up.

Yesterday, I've been spending some time on gathering dye ingredients. These pigments come from flowers which are scattered throughout Aeternum. There aren't many, so it takes a while to get enough to craft a few dyes. I figured I should get in early on this, before everyone finds out how valuable these little flowers are!


There's much to discover in this game, but so far, I haven't been doing as much of it as maybe I should. I don't have much incentive to go visit a new area when gathering can be done where I started my journey. I kinda know the spawning spots of some items I need a lot, so I stick to those. Atleast until the server fills up with people for the day, because then it's just fighting over a couple of Iron nodes with ten others. For main quests, I'm waiting for hubby to catch up with me, so we can explore the rest of this beautiful world together.

Well, it's time to start another day in Aeternum. I see I've sold a nice amount of items last evening and night, so I can start filling up the trading post again!

Oh, and this is what all of this week's gathering has brought me so far:


Lots of skills! Furnishing and fishing are behind a little though...

P.S.: I took some nice lighting shots in game during my journeys which I shared in this post. I hope you like them. Sadly, I can't hide my character for screenshots, so this is the best I could do!

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What specs are you running so that you can play this game?

Ehm, does a 5 year old pc count? :D

Hahaha ok well I guess so, you probably playing on low graphics?

Hmm, I don't think so. Although I can't check now, because I just logged off for server maintenance :-)

Congratulations on dedicating yourself to playing this great game, those screenshots look great, I like the realism they have.

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