Gaming - Ark's Aberration

in #gaming6 years ago

It's too hot to form many coherent thoughts, so instead, I'm sharing my first experience on the new Ark map I started during our dark days (days without the internet).


This Aberration map does not have flying dinosaurs. It's the main reason I didn't want to play this map. I love flying dinos. They were my main goal at the beginning of every map. Just get myself on the back of a flyer and go high up in the air where it's (relatively) safe.


No aerial safety for me on this map. So I had to make new plans to feel safe. I eventually solved that particular issue quite well, but hey, let's start at the beginning. You know, where I set my first steps on this map and noticed its beauty!


I knew Aberration was underground, so I was afraid it would be dark and dull. Boy was I wrong.


I actually spawned quite close to a big lake, so I ofcourse had to set up my new base there. There was just the issue of correct placement. See, big, scary baddies that want to eat me also enjoy spending time near this lake. There was the ever hungry spino, but besides that scary guy, there was also a new one. I called it the 'spider crab'. Its looks make it even scarier than the spino, though I'm pretty sure they are both equally good at eating me.

I found a good place to build though and feel fairly safe inside my home there.


What adds to the joy of this underground living are the many different lights! See it's not dark at all down there, because there's still plenty of holes in the roof to let some sunlight in and there are also fireflies and such. As a bonus, during the night, many dinos light up!

(My home and one of my fluorescent dinos.)

The map also has new ways to travel around. You can climb up against a stone wall, float around with you wing suit and there are also ziplines.


I don't think I can take dinos with me when I travel across a zipline though, so the only time I tried it so far was when I went on a suicide mission to explore the map and get back home by dying.


During one of my exploring missions, I found this sight:


Doesn't that look awesome? I wanted to go there!

I went there.

I died there.


I went there again.

I died there again.

Quite quickly I might add...


Now that hubby is able to join me on the map, my ultimate goal is to head over there together one day and... you know... not die.


Yes... not dying would be cool.

Right, enough for now, time to lie down and cool off. More about me solving my safety issue later!

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