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RE: The gaming tag has a problem. How can we fix it?

in #gaming6 years ago

I agree, the gaming tag has become cluttered with anything and everything related to gaming. Probably because it's too generic but also because there is no sub-categorization or moderation.

Whether it's video, audio, written or just gaming adjacent topics it all gets buried by everything you may not want to see. New and interesting content ends up becoming difficult to find.

Heck, even being able to filter on multiple tags at once would help a lot! E.g. "Gaming + Review" or "Gaming + Video"

Although curation communities based around specific topics are a great way to discover great content related to it. And they're a great way to interface with the people producing the content. I do think it's a problem that we have to rely on systems like Discord, that are wholly outside of Steemit, to organize this type of stuff!


"Gaming + Review" or "Gaming + Video"

If you have the right tools and access you can run quarries like that from my understanding. I simply do not myself and I'm not willing to pay either. Even with my external tools that I use for them to keep costs low they have to limit certain features like that. Where I am only able to say look for anything with the follow tags and not this tag + this tag. While I can search body text of posts that normally times out as it takes to long as that tool has limited resources and is used by a bunch of curators.

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