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RE: Retro Recall – Silent Hill 2: A nightmarish guilt trip

in #gaming7 years ago

An amazing game that in my opinion still holds up today. I've been meaning to got back and play 1 - 4 just to experience the entirety of the mainline series again.

They went a little off the rails after that but there are still some gems beyond 4.


I played Homecoming and liked some parts of it, but it was more like going through something that was merely OK to find a few cool moments. Also played Origins on PSP which wasn't bad at all.

But to me, nothing beats SH2. SH4: The Room had an interesting twist and although I finished it, I HATED that tower room spinning thingy, it was just a cumbersome puzzle that had no place in such a game.

Why Konami isn't hard at work on a new Silent Hill after the P.T. drama, I don't know. They have such a strong franchise on their hands.

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