2 Gaming Journals of a Space Pirate - KSP v1.3

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


The Capt'n has some hobbies, other than photography and cooking, through which he expresses his creativity. Gaming is one of these.
Preferring games with elements of construction and design the Capt'n was immediately drawn to the sound of Kerbal Space Program when it first popped up on his radar in 2015. Not long after that he purchased a copy for a very modest sum (almost a rip off price for Squad considering how brilliant a game they have made, well worth the money!) and began a fledgeling career in Rocketricky and Spacesploration.

With his careful hand and a keen eye, for avoiding flying directly into the ground, Kerb greats such as Val, Bill, Jeb and Bob have ventured to vacuum and moons distant. Doing science and trying not to splatter any space tourists to the inside of their tin can projectiles.

First Kerbed Mission To The Mun

Having started a new career (with no mods) after the release of KSP v1.3 I thought I might take you with me on my tour of space and all the challenges, explosions and near misses that seem to come hand in hand with Kerbal technology.

By completing a few basic contracts I was able to up grade my runway, launch pad and VAB and then it was time to get serious about the business of Spacesploration. A mission to the Mun was conceived (the contract told me to do it) with planning beginning immediately.

Having already put vessels into orbit in v1.3 and with experience of exploration further afield in previous releases I knew it wouldn't take long to slap something together that could do the job. Namely, boost into orbit around Kerbin, boost out to the gravitational influence of the Mun, land on its surface and still have enough fuel for the return journey home again.

A few prototypes and many test flights passed by.

Testing prototypes.jpg

Some more spectacular than others.


Finally a solid design with (short distance) communications ability and packed with science potential came to be.

Behold the Thing Mun 2



On the Pad.


Taking off.


Heading for orbit.


After a few attempts where my gravity turn was too shallow or too steep I found a stable orbit that wasn't exactly circularised, but would do for the next step.


From previous experience I knew enough about getting to the Mun without having to upgrade my tracking centre to allow for patched conics on the map screen. So with a little bit of luck after I powered up the engines for a sustained boost out into the black I found myself on a direct collision course with the surface of the Mun. And yet still with plenty of fuel on board.


Of course Jeb insisted that he would only be able to get the best view from outside his command pod.


Without having to worry about burning to catch the moon (or rather be caught by it's gravitational pull), seeing as how I was piloting this craft at over 550m/s (and increasing with proximity) on a direct collision course, the craft looked set to be well within it's fuel requirements. Not a one way ticket to boom rather a return ticket to glory.


Feeling small.


Down to three stages left, with 7 'Terrier' engines.


Looking for a good landing spot.


It is ill advised to try an land on rough ground or sloping terrain.


A flat landing spot is safest.


Congratulations Jeb! You made it to the Mun's Midlands, planted a flag and did some science.


The return journey was almost as simple as the outward bound. Boost up from the Mun's surface into a stable orbit. Boost out into the black to find Kerbin's influence. Slow down enough not to burn up in the planets thick atmosphere.


Now down to just one engine and an eclipse as we descend.


The final stage deploys drogue Chutes.


The final chute opens to bring Jeb down to a gentle splash in the sea only a few 100kms distant from KSC.


In Closing

After recovering the craft and pilot over 500 science data was produced not to mention a whole bunch of reputation and fists full of Fund_char.png. All in all my first trip to the Mun seems to have been a resounding sucess. The craft performed as planned and had plenty of wiggle room considering the fuel capacity.

I have no doubt that this craft will be heading out again into the black. For science and glory.

So until next time.

Safe flying me hearties.

Music to enjoy with your rocketricky.

Check out some of our previous posts below (we haven't been here long so don't have much to share so far).


Gluten free Pancakes recipe.
Testing out Bacon and Egg Pies.
Keeping warm in winter with Mulled wine.
A not so traditional Tortilla Española de Patatas.
Food Porn 1. 2.


How to grow Carrots to save seed.
Saving Tomato seed.
Keeping healthy Chickens.
Building Potato boxes.
Growing Purple potatoes.

Being Creative

Learning Photoshop GIF animation: 1.2.
An original short story with a sci-fi theme by the Capt'n. Once Upon a Blue Moon.
Messing with Macro photography.
Journals of a Space Pirate in KSP (computer game).

Pirate Playlist

Heavy Mahogany. The Dread Crew Of Oddwood.
'I Am A Cider Drinker' by Alestorm.
'The Pirate's Gospel' by Alela Diane.

Coin Marketplace

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