Game-Strider a Forgotten Capcom Game

in #gaming7 years ago



Today we will take a look at one of the forgotten games of Capcom, even though its protagonist is one of the most iconic of the company. Many know him by its appearance in Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of the Super Heroes (1998), however, the origin of this character dates back to the late 80's

But who the hell am I talking about? ... from Strider Hiryu
Appearing in 1989 in the machines of the whole world, Strider is one of the cult classics, most beloved by Capcom fans.
Taking control of Hiryu, the most powerful member of the Strider organization, we will go through five levels, in which we have to cut and slice so much enemy to get in front of us with our reliable saber, Cypher. Our objetive? Defeat the terrible tyrant, Grandmaster, who took control of the land in 2048. Strider is a combination between a plattaformer and a Beat'm Up. Having to traverse all five levels until you reach an end boss. In addition to our normal attack with Cypher, we will find several upgrades, with which we can increase our range of attack, as well as having the help of three different robots, called Option A, B and C.

Strider was a milestone during its original release, being recognized for its detailed sprites, music and its scheme of controls. Thanks to this, it received a large number of ports to home consoles such as Amiga, Comodore 64, Armstrad CPC, Atari ST, DOS, PC Engine, among others. But the one that received more recognition was the version for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis, which, despite its technical limitations, did a great job in adapting it to enjoy it in the living room of any home. And the Nintendo apá? Well, at the same time that it developed and launched Strider for the maquinitas, the console of Mario received his own version, which was based on the manga published by the study Moto Kikaku and written by the mangaka, Tatsumi Wada, whereas the version of Arcade focused on the Striders fight against the Grandmaster, the Nes version followed the story of Tatsumi Wada's manga, where Hiryu is forced to wipe out the other members of his organization. Besides the change in history, the Nes version was focused on exploration and had several elements of RPG, having to obtain objects and keys to keep moving forward. Like any other Nintendo Entertainment System title, Strider is somewhat difficult, as its controls are not exactly responsive. One year later and with the approval of Capcom USA, U.S. Gold would create a sequel titled, Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns: The game, maintains the graphics and controls of the original, maintaining the same quality; you know, if "it's not broken, so you can compose it" It would take nine years for us to see the character in a sequel developed by Capcom. Before that, a new generation would be introduced to the character of Strider Hiryu, in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. The following year, we would finally have an official sequel to the 1989 title with Strider 2:
71 years after the fall of Grandmaster, the terrible tyrant returns to life (somehow). Again, the organization of the Striders will face him, being the descendant of the warrior who defeated him decades ago, the one in charge of finishing him. This new incarnation of Hiryu, is able to make the mimes movements that his predecessor (double jumps, run, sweep, climb). But when it is stronger, this new Hiryu has three unique movements: Savage Slash, a revolving only airborne attack, Boost Mode, with which it can launch plasma waves from its Cypher; and a kick in the air.

Like the original, we must go through five levels to finish the game, with the difference that we can choose the order in which to finish them. As the beginning of polygonal graphics, Strider 2 combines 2D sprites, prerendereados environments and three-dimensional enemies:
like the original, Strider 2 took the acclaim of critics and fans, thanks to its fast gameplay and action-packed levels. While Strider received many ports, Strider 2 only hit the PlayStation with a two-disc package containing both the sequel and the original.
In the launch for the American continent, at the time of attaching the disc labels, there was an error, with the original game label on the Strider 2 disc and vice versa. Strider Despite its popularity, it would take 15 years for us to have another Strider title, but that story is for another day


Strider Hiryu is a ninja-like warrior who must eliminate a legendary villain known as the Middle Grandmaster. He observed the planet Earth from its hiding place in a distant galaxy and created a space station, that baptized like "Third Moon", between the planet Earth and its original Moon to conquer the world. It is the year 2048 and, armed with a Cypher (a kind of sharp knife, similar to a tonfa, which generates cutting plasma energy) called Falchion, Hiryu must travel through different parts of the planet (including the Soviet Union and Amazonas) to seek and eliminate the dictator
strider-portada (1).gif





→Environmental soundtrack and action, varied in themes, emulates the music of videogames of the eighties, with my background of relaxation with listening to the music of the game you feel inside the so it is more pleasant your visual and auditory tasting of the game

→Short summary←

oy commented another of the classic games of MD that also has an arcade origin: Strider, another of the hits of CAPCOM that until had its manga version and whose version of MD is very remembered. Developed by CAPCOM in 1989, the game tells the story of a ninja named Strider Hiryu who works for a high-tech ninja organization. In 2048, a mysterious dictator named "Grand Master" dominates the entire Earth and Strider Hiryu is sent to eliminate it. Hiryu's mission begins in the Soviet Union, but will have to cross the entire planet to find its target. In the playable plane, we take Hiryu through a series of scenarios that we have to overcome before time runs out. At that level we will see many enemies that we will have to eliminate, we will also have the possibility to take power-ups, extra lives and at the end of each level we face an final boss that we will have to destroy, the usual in this type of game

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