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RE: Zombie Adventure - Game 14 - Day 5 (Jan. 31, 2018)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Ok, @pbock, let's keep these people safe!!

I suggest @pbock and me both move to the square west of us and position ourselves in between the unarmed people and zombies.

Then I suggest @pbock obliterates the Hulk with the ubergun (could even kill the runner too if actions left).
I will wait for the hulk to be slain by @pbock first. If the hulk somehow survives I empty my gun at the Hulk. If the hulk drops dead due to @pbocks attack, I will fire at the runner instead and take it out.

If @pbock does something else than my suggestions, I still do the same actions but won't wait for him to kill the hulk first and instead I will just shoot at the runner (and expect to kill the hulk with my axe next turn)

Then, any remaining actions I have... I spend on combining my axe and rifle into an axe-rifle. Like so:

This should boost my zombie-killing capacity by +5

Maybe players 5&6 with the crossbow and pistol may want to go and help those people by the red bus, as they are all unarmed and zombies are incoming there


There is only a Walker and Runner in range of you folks. I accidentally left a Hulk in the kitchen, but it should have been hidden as it is a spare to be used when a Hulk is needed. Hopefully I remember to hide it next update unless there is actually a need to show a Hulk on the board.

@pandorasbox, you wanna take out the Hulk with your axe ?
I can move into position to the west and attempt to murder the walker and runner on the approach.

Oh! I was mistaken, I thought a Hulk was approaching west instead of a Walker. Pffft.. no worries then, those are easy!
I thought we needed your big gun for a hulk, but these have just 1 health each so it really doesn't matter who kills which :)
Go ahead and unleash the fury! I intend to fire my rifle as well. Melee is a last resort (these are zombies after all!)

edit: On second thought, @pbock and me have planned our actions so well, that we both fire our weapons in perfect synchronisation (+2 damage on each hit)

edit 2; Actually, if after all this mayhem I have actions left, I move north to stand in front of the Kitchen Door

Player 1

Action 1: Move West.
Action 2: Shoot at the Runner. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 1 = fail. (I think you found defective weapons!)

Out of ammo, drats!!!
I will chop them down with my axe-gun if I have to!

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