
I will be coming for backup.. Don't die yet :D

Don't worry, I'll kill both of them.... when @steempunknet shows up for my roll!

let's try this again

@steempunknet roll

You rolled a 5

It helps if you specify which zombie you are firing at. I can manually roll if nothing shows up soon.

It doesn't really matter which one, but the closest one first most likely!
Which is now dead due to me rolling a 5.

Now for the other one...
@steempunknet roll

You rolled a 6

Zombie slayer!

Out of zombies to kill now though..

I will move one square West. Because I can. And i'd feel like it was one action wasted if I didn't!

In this case, it is true; it doesn't matter because you got them both. But if another player was to take a shot, they need to know which is still alive and which is not. Also, in case you only kill the one, I need to know which to remove from the game board. BOTH will be removed and your character will be moved.

Oh, I see now, you're absolutely right. I'll call out the ones I'm aiming at next time!


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