Vladimir – League of Legends [Review]

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello Steemians, since yesterday I wanted to upload this post, but the page where I created the gift is working wrong and it does not let me create, I had to find another way to upload them, and I found myself a little disconnected from steemit as I am approaching the completion of the semester and I do not want to fail subjects. I'm preparing some post about the game's champions Heroes of the Blizzard Company Storm another way to play these entertaining MOBA. This time I bring you a champion that I do not use much, but my friends from LoL liked to use it frequently and it was very rewarding. I hope you like my review about Vladimir!

What is League Of Legends.png

League of Legends is one of the most famous video games in the last decade in the community of players and seen by millions of fans in eSports on platforms like Twitch, mainly in countries like South Korea where there are more active players. characterized by being a free video game.

Source Wiki


LoL a MOBA type game developed by Riot Games. In this game the players will face each other splitting into two teams of three or five players each depending on the game mode. Before each game, the player will choose a champion with which they will play the full game, this champion will be able to raise their level during the game and their statistics can be improved by means of items. The game begins when all the players of each team appear in their base called Nexus, with the objective of the game being to destroy the opposite Nexus.

Each champion has a specific role and an exit lane and they are; Tank | Wrestler - Top, Jungle - Jg, Wizard | Assassin - Mid and Shooter | Support - Adc / Sup the champions must focus on killing the AI ​​controlled subjects to obtain gold and experience.

The League of Legends World Championship has become an annual elite tournament where the best players worldwide compete since 2011, playing in countries like Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Germany with an even more impressive prize of $ 1,000,000 and reaching audience record of 60 million people. In addition to the 100 million active players according to 2006 figures.

Vladimir “the Crimson Reaper”.png

There is a temple hidden in the mountains that separate Noxus and the Plains of the Tempest, where the secrets of a witchcraft as old as terrifying are kept. The surrounding area is covered with the bled corpses of those who made the mistake of getting too close to him. This only helped draw Vladimir's attention when, as a young man, he traveled these mountains while escaping from Noxus.


A day earlier, Vladimir, still a teenager, had murdered two boys of his age for no other reason than to enjoy the intoxicating sensation of seeing how the crimson blood flowed from inside him. Instantly he realized that he could never repress his murderous impulses and, if he stayed in Noxus, his bad deeds would eventually cost him dearly. Without hesitation, he left the city state and headed south.

The corpse trail took him to a ruined stone temple. Inside he found an old monk who observed him with scarlet eyes. Vladimir surprised the monk by returning his cruel gaze without hesitation. Recognizing the sinister appetites of the young man, the monk decided to teach Vladimir to manipulate and control the flow of life, often using travelers as guinea pigs. When the hour of the last lesson arrived, the monk warned him that a failure would mean death.


Vladimir did not fail, but the success brought a bitter surprise. During the ritual, the monk's blood, to the last drop, left his body and merged with that of Vladimir, who was thus imbued with his essence and that of all the hemomants who had preceded him. Alone and without a purpose, Vladimir concluded that he would return to Noxus with the determination to demonstrate the supremacy of his art. Upon observing the dreadful fate that befell the palace guards, the members of the Noxian High Command decided to avail themselves of Vladimir's unfortunate talents.






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Vladimir is a champion whose skills are easy to understand, but only effective in the right hands. It is not mechanically difficult to play, but certainly difficult to learn for such a unique kit. You can see that many new players struggle to understand their initial game and overcome that stage efficiently.

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Vladimir's passive ability consists of every 40 additional life points, Vladimir gets 1 skill power point and each skill power point gets an additional life points bonus, however, these bonuses do not accumulate with each other.


This ability allows Vladimir to steal life from the enemy target, inflicting magical damage of 80 160 points and healing himself from 20 to 40 points. In addition, by using this ability Vladimir obtains Crimson Rush enhancing healing from 30 to 200 and inflicting more magic damage from 148 to 296 points based on the percentage of life that the target lacks. Optional to all this Vladimir receives a bonus speed of movement of 10% for 0.5 seconds. This ability has a reuse of 9 to 5 seconds depending on the level of Vladimir.

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Vladimir becomes a pool of blood that inflicts magical damage of 20 to 75 for every half second over the pool, granting a movement speed of 37% for 2 seconds and slowing down the enemy by 40% movement speed. Vladimir is transformed into a puddle consumes the lives of enemies. This ability has a reuse of 28 to 16 seconds.

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Vladimir uses 8% of his maximum life to launch a nova blood that inflicts a magic damage of 30 to 90 points however this damage increases the longer it is charged, in addition to load this skill for 1 second slows down all enemies close by 40 to 60% for 0.5 seconds. This ability has a reuse of 13 to 5 seconds.


Vladimir's special ability is to infect enemies within a certain area with a virus that increases damage received by 10% for 4 seconds and inflicts magical damage of 150 to 350 points and healing for each champion within the area with the poison in 150 to 350 points of life. This ability has a reuse of 150 to 120 depending on the level of Vladimir.


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Vladimir will always be a strong champion for his team in the top lane or middle lane according to his ability to play with him. Vladimir can be your AP-Carry team in team fights, it can be your Tanky-Mage due to its passive if your team is looking for a tank that is constantly rejuvenated and finally the mix of both that best suits Vladimir and his style of game. I'm not a fan of this champion, however, the uniqueness of Vladimir is what makes it shine you could say that it is the center of attention. Since, having the ability to cure half of your skills, is what makes fighting a Vladimir so frustrating. Playing passive and pushing your enemy when the time is right is the key to overcome in the middle or late game.

To talk more about Vladimir he does not have crowd control to de-link the fight as one of his weaknesses. So you must make sure that you are respecting your style and not approach them from the beginning, through the experience you will learn what you can and you will come out with the victory at the beginning of the game and especially at the end of the game. Playing risky with Vladimir is what makes it so beneficial. If you have your team surrounding you with the Sanguina Pool and possibly Zhonya's Sandglass, you can cause damage without risking so much.

As for the team battles, he is responsible for entering and leaving generating high damage in mass, if his team prepares the signal to enter with the all-in combo. This will cause them to concentrate on you, activate the Blood Pool and continue using your Q and E to heal and produce damage. Allowing Vladimir to keep doing sustained damage and surviving to the fullest in team battles. As for his best-known combo the all-in consists of E + R + E + Q + W being a combo that is not very difficult to perform and gives very rewarding results.

Specifically speaking, Vladimir is a great choice when the enemy team chooses a high-blow attack against you, which favors him because his Bloodthirsty Group can deny all combos of rapid-fire damage and all in the hands of the enemy. Once all your combos are gone, you have an advantage so that you can use all your damaging abilities for your full use. However, it is important in each league of Legends game to concentrate on growing as many minions as possible to get the most gold and have an advantage over the enemy.


  • Great recovery of life with Transfusion.
  • He has the ability to escape.
  • Good damage from AoE.
  • Your passive ability allow you good scaling of your HP and AP.
  • Incredible potential for team battles.
  • Strong against champions like; Zed, Kennen, Singed, Gnar, Nasus and Renekton.


  • Easy to use, but difficult to master.
  • Your mobility is not the best.
  • Does not have cc.
  • Farming in the early game is difficult.
  • Requires administering your HP in the game early.
  • Weak against champions like; Morgana, Swain, Jarvan IV, Fiddlesticks, Malzahar and Xin Zhao.


  • Vladimir is voiced by Kevin M. Connolly.
  • Vladimir was the second champion released in the first season (the first was Xin Zhao) and is the only one labeled as Mage / Tank.
  • Vladimir is one of the five champions who use health as a resource of their abilities (being the other Aatrox, Dr. Mundo, Mordekaiser, and Zac).
  • The old icon for Tides of Blood is similar to the previous one for Ravenous Flock.
  • Vladimir does not really drink the blood of his victims, but absorbs the life force within it.
  • His name (Russian: Владимир) comes from Old Church Slavonic Владимѣръ Vladiměrŭ, meaning "great ruler", whether native or borrowed from the Germanic affine Waldemar. the popular etymology changes měrŭ to mir (ŭ) ("world / peace").
  • Vladimir was responsible for resurrecting Sion, as well as restoring his mind by using The Blood of Jarvan IV.
  • Many of his lines are word games related to blood and double meanings.
  • "I AM A UNIVERSAL RECEIVER" and his joke every reference a type of Blood (AB + and B- respectively)
  • "MY MUG IS HALF EMPTY" implies that it is pessimistic.
  • "ARRODÍLLATE ANTE VLAD" refers to General Zod of DC Comics.

The bonus was obtained from these pages:

Bonus Vladimir

Universe LoL

LoL Vladimir

fan art.png

Author – Myrmirada

Author – DavidPan

Author – dashzera

Author – PopokuPinguPop90

Author – Kisa1313

Author – Kaerru

To finish, Vladimir's biggest weakness is his high cooling in the early game and his lack of crowd control. This makes Vladimir an easy champion for the enemy in the line phase. Learning to cultivate is extremely important, play aggressively and avoid entering the beginning of battles is key to winning early as Vladimir. However, it is not as easy as it is said. I hope you liked my review about Vladimir!

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