Maokai – League of Legends [Review]

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemians, everyone enjoying the World Cup with results that many did not expect, this time I bring you a champion that was very relevant in terms of League of Legends world championships since it was very used not in today. It is a tree whose skills keep you in the lane for a long time, besides being a nuisance all the time. I hope you like my review about Maokai!


League of Legends is one of the most famous video games in the last decade in the community of players and seen by millions of fans in eSports on platforms like Twitch, mainly in countries like South Korea where there are more active players. characterized by being a free video game.

Source Wiki


LoL a MOBA type game developed by Riot Games. In this game the players will face each other splitting into two teams of three or five players each depending on the game mode. Before each game, the player will choose a champion with which they will play the full game, this champion will be able to raise their level during the game and their statistics can be improved by means of items. The game begins when all the players of each team appear in their base called Nexus, with the objective of the game being to destroy the opposite Nexus.

Each champion has a specific role and an exit lane and they are; Tank | Wrestler - Top, Jungle - Jg, Wizard | Assassin - Mid and Shooter | Support - Adc / Sup the champions must focus on killing the AI ​​controlled subjects to obtain gold and experience.

The League of Legends World Championship has become an annual elite tournament where the best players worldwide compete since 2011, playing in countries like Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Germany with an even more impressive prize of $ 1,000,000 and reaching audience record of 60 million people. In addition to the 100 million active players according to 2006 figures.

Maokai “the Twisted Treant”.png

There was a time when Maokai was a peaceful spirit of nature who lived in an idyllic forest, but the arrogance of humans put an end to that life. It is nothing more than a demonic shadow of what one day was, twisted by dark magic that defies the natural order of life and death. Infused with a power he never wanted, the powerful treant became a force of nature that claims vengeance, destroying his enemies using wild magic and hard limbs like steel. He goes to Valoran, in order to return his former glory to the Islands of the Shadow.


Before they became a land of death, the Islands of the Shadow were known for the immense natural life and beauty of which they boasted. Above all, its sacred forest: a paradise of flowering trees and countless animal and spiritual species. When the king of the Shadow Islands ordered his sorcerers to destroy the barrier that separates life from death, they used the forest as a source of power and depleted it.

The ritual managed to corrupt the cycle of life and unleashed forces that could never contain. Every living entity ended up devoid of vitality in the Islands of the Shadow: the majestic trees withered into twisted shells, the people transformed into horrendous shadows, and the spirits of the forest turned into soulless fatuous fires. Maokai, the strongest spirit of the sacred forest, watched in horror as his world crumbled and died before him. He struggled to stanch the wound in the world, but in the end he could not stop the destruction that human stupidity had perpetrated. When the terrible energies were about to overcome him, he used a last resort to desperate to try to preserve the life of the earth. Maokai took control of the old oak that was in the heart of the spiritual power of the forest and made the essence of the islands converge towards it, while the corruption of the undead continued devouring everything in its path. He avoided being consumed completely, reinforced by unimaginable magic, but he did not escape unharmed.


Maokai, saturated with essences of life and death, ended up merging the old oak tree, deformed into an abomination. For a long time, his only companions were pain and grief. His branches became heavier with the tears that he shed because of the destruction of all that he had known and loved, and his roots tore the earth apart because of the anger he uttered towards the foolish sorcerers who had destroyed his home. But not all is lost. Maokai preserved the last spark of life that remained in the Islands of the Shadow and, with it, the hope that the earth would return to its former splendor.

The tormented shadows of the island were drawn to the living essence contained in Maokai as moths to the light. The spirit kept the seed of life safe from the untiring undead, but I knew I could not contain them forever. He had to flee from the land of death that had become his home, so he threw himself into the sea and trusted that nature would guide him to territories with life, where he hoped to find a way to expel the forces of the undead and restore life to the Islands of the Shadow.






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Maokai does exactly what a tank is supposed to do, absorbs damage from his equipment, interrupts people with CC and heals himself, but also has the versatility of his kit to make everything fun.

Sap Magic.png

The passive ability allows Maokai through the basic attacks to recover life periodically, however, if it is above 95% it will not be cured besides every time an ability is used it reduces the reuse of the passive in 4 seconds. This ability has a cooling of 20 to 20 seconds depending on the level of Maokai.

Bramble Smash.png

Maokai hits with a straight-line shock wave that inflicts magic damage of 65 to 225 points hitting all the enemies he passes through and slowing them by 99% for 0.25 seconds. This ability has a reuse of 8 to 5 seconds.

Twisted Advance.png

This ability allows you to launch on the enemy target inflicting magic damage of 50 to 150 points in addition to making it immobile for 1 to 1.4 seconds. This ability has a cooldown of 13 to 9 seconds depending on the level of Maokai.

Sapling Toss.png

With this ability he throws small Maokai in a certain location which attack nearby enemies chasing them for 2.5 seconds and exploding and inflicting magical damage from 25 to 125 points in addition to slowing them by 25% for 2 seconds.

Nature's Grasp.png

Maokai's special ability allows him to invoke a wall of 5 spiny claws that slowly advances in a certain direction that collides with the enemy and inflicts magic damage of 150 to 300 points. This ability has a cooling of 120 to 80 seconds depending on the level of Maokai.


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Maokai is an AP super tank, its sustain, CC, respectable base values ​​allow you to build it as a super tank, and it is a great nuisance for the enemy team. It has many advantages and its cons are not so bad; their cons also only affect you in the line phase, before you get your main objects. Once you get some of your main elements and level ups, you have no difficulties with the mana problems, and their cooling is not that long. Besides being quite easy to play, besides being a reliable wall, it makes it a solid and consistent option for climbing, if you know how to play it

Maokai can keep many champions with his strong passive Sap Magic. You should look for trade when your Sap passive magic is stacked or almost stacked so you can regenerate when you go to trade. Like a first line tank or a peeling tank. You must be both, in different moments of the game your work will change, you will be a first line or you will peel for your carries: both are technically the same, but you should try to help your bearings independently.

In the Maokai team matches it is quite interesting as it has very good participation. You will want to evaluate what you want to do about how fed each team is. I will say that one of the best moves that Maokai can do is Flash + Twisted Advance (W) in one of his carries, just make sure your team can follow. Also, if your ADC is powered, then sit on it and absorb the damage, and slowness / root of enemy champions for it; Then, it is an annoying wall that the enemy champion can not overcome (I must say that I am not very convinced by his special ability). Also sometimes you will be the only player on the team, what will happen in some games; You will have no choice but to participate. If this happens, simply try to involve someone out of place with your W, ideally your MID or ADC medium.


  • Extremely tank.
  • Good CC.
  • Good statistics climbing.
  • Holds a lot in the line phase.
  • Strong against champions like; Riven, Leona, Karthus, Volibear, Darius and Elise.


  • High mana consumption at the start.
  • He's not a murderer like before.
  • Your mobility is not very good.
  • Weak against champions like; Shyvana, Nasus, Pantheon, Swain, Dr. Mundo and Yorick.


  • Maokai is voiced by Jay Preston.
  • Pre- V7.9 Maokai is voiced by Scott McNeil.
  • Hecarim, Sion, Mecha Zero Sion and Final Boss Veigar are also voiced by the same voice actor.
  • Re-explore the treant theme of champion Gavid canceled.
  • Plant King's planting theme was re-explored by Zyra.
  • Màokǎi (Hanzi: 茂 凯 "excellent triumph") was named after Maokai Xiao (his conceptual artist).
  • Maokai's dance refers to the Harlem Globetrotters.
  • Tabs for Jarvan IV and Lee Without 'blindmonk' can be seen during 'Art Spotlight' by Maokai.
  • For the visual update of Maokai The rooting of Twisted Advance was made to look like Grabbing Roots by Grabbing Roots'.
  • In the Brazilian server, Maokai has an appointment that makes reference to El Chavo del Ocho.
  • "PODA DRY AND STRANGE BRANCHES". It could be a reference to former professional player TheOddOne, known for popularizing the Maokai jungle.

The bonus was obtained from these pages:

Bonus Maokai

Universe LoL

LoL Maokai

fan art.png

Author – ZiG-WORD

Author – Zarory

Author – Shabow

Author – MaTTcomGO

Author – fenrysk-art

To finish, Maokai could be the best tank in the game. The fact that it plays its role so well, although it is also somewhat easy to play, makes it a constant option to climb. Your kit is full of CC; He has a supreme ability that is great for zoning team battles, with the additional rooting ability, and inflicts some magical damage, while his passive ability allows him to survive team combats, as well as survive in the lane, however, its mobility is very bad turning it into a tank not only hinders. I hope you liked my review about Maokai!

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