Bard – League of Legends [Review]

in #gaming7 years ago


Hello Steemians, I have already tried two days to upload videos to the @dtube platform but in my country the quality of the internet is bad so I have a hard time uploading the videos, besides the dtube platform can not recover the upload of the video (a pity since you must start from scratch in the upload of the video). As for league of Legends today I bring you a fun and useful champion for the team being a headache in the late game when attacking Baron since he can use his skills whether it is to approach the team or steal Baron. I hope you like my review about Bard!

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League of Legends is one of the most famous video games in the last decade in the community of players and seen by millions of fans in eSports on platforms like Twitch, mainly in countries like South Korea where there are more active players. characterized by being a free video game.

Source Wiki


LoL a MOBA type game developed by Riot Games. In this game the players will face each other splitting into two teams of three or five players each depending on the game mode. Before each game, the player will choose a champion with which they will play the full game, this champion will be able to raise their level during the game and their statistics can be improved by means of items. The game begins when all the players of each team appear in their base called Nexus, with the objective of the game being to destroy the opposite Nexus.

Each champion has a specific role and an exit lane and they are; Tank | Wrestler - Top, Jungle - Jg, Wizard | Assassin - Mid and Shooter | Support - Adc / Sup the champions must focus on killing the AI ​​controlled subjects to obtain gold and experience.

The League of Legends World Championship has become an annual elite tournament where the best players worldwide compete since 2011, playing in countries like Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Germany with an even more impressive prize of $ 1,000,000 and reaching audience record of 60 million people. In addition to the 100 million active players according to 2006 figures.


The Bard travels through realms beyond the imagination of mortals. Some of Valoran's greatest scholars dedicated their lives to trying to understand the mysteries he embodies.


This enigmatic spirit received many names throughout history, but titles such as the Cosmic Wanderer or the Great Guardian barely manage to convey a limited aspect of their true nature. When the unknowable structure of the universe is threatened, the Bard comes to protect the existence in the face of total annihilation.

The Noxian troops tried to capture the Bard Mountains and obtain a Celestial artifact granted to the Ionians of the Floating Villages. During the battle, the wise man of the town was in charge of taking the artifact and taking it to one of the Celestial Sanctuaries at the top of one of the peaks of the villages. The Noxians mortally wounded him with arrows before he could reach the sanctuary. However, as his last act of defiance, he used the device to hit his killer.


Destroying it and cutting a nearby mountain in half (Seemingly doubtful of its duty). This misuse of the Celestial Artifact caught the attention of Bardo Bardo who immediately intervened in the event. He recovered the artifact and took it from the mortal plane before the Noxians and Ionians could use their power for war.






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Bard is a fun-to-use champion with great mobility, who can conjure tunnels through the terrain whether to reach enemies or escape. One of its main objectives is to collect the bells to increase the effectiveness of their passive ability, which often means leaving the ADC alone in the lane.

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The passive ability of Bard makes appear a few magic bells by all the map randomly which when picking up or passing over it grant a speed of movement of 24% if it is out of combat that accumulate up to a maximum of 80% of speed, He also increases his experience and recovers 12% of his maximum mana. And picking up every 5 bells improves your meeps a small spirit that accompanies you and helps you attack your targets increasing your damage and slowing down the enemy.

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Bard throws spiritual energy in a straight line causing magical damage of 80 to 260 points to the first target and slowing down its movement speed by 60%. However, this ability can stun secondary targets and inflict the same damage. This ability has a reuse of 11 to 7 seconds.

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Bard's second ability allows him to place 3 sanctuaries that accumulate power for 10 seconds, when an ally or the pass over the sanctuary receives a maximum penalty of 30 to 150 points and gets a bonus of 50% movement speed during 1.5 seconds This ability has a reuse of 12 seconds depending on the level of Bard.

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Bard creates a magical portal that allows him to cross any corridor to his allies and to Bardo with ease for 10 seconds and granting a movement speed of 10 to 50% depending on the level of Bardo. This ability has a reuse of 18 to 14 seconds.

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Bard incapacitates, by means of magical energy, all units and structures impacted in a given area for 2.5 seconds, leaving the enemies unable to perform any action. This ability has a reuse of 130 to 90 seconds depending on the level of Bard.


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I love using Bardo is one of the funniest supports and that more help can give the team thanks to the amount of cc and benefits it gives to allies. If we talk about his passive ability, he has the advantage of increasing his permanent damage to meeps in the game, in addition to granting brief speed-of-movement bonuses. Regarding the disadvantages is that you must leave the lower lane only to look for bells and your ADC must play defensively or play cautiously since it will be only for a few moments.

His cosmic link ability allows him to keep enemies in stripes either by slowing or stunning, which may allow him a situational advantage at any time during the battle whether to disengage from enemies or be of help in the murder of enemy Its healing ability is not the best in lol since it takes a while to activate and the healing is not so high, in addition enemies can pass over the sanctuaries to destroy them and losing a quantity of mana necessary for other abilities.

Your portal is very efficient because they allow you to mobilize your comrades or you in an easier and faster way, of course the enemy can also use it, but you have the advantage of taking him to a trap, it is not recommended to use the portal to places not explored since you can fall into a trap. As for your special ability you should use it very well since you can affect the performance of your team or save partners from death.

As the game beats the escalation of Bardo statistics are very good so you will see benefit in that part of the game. As for the team battles enemy targets like dragon and baron become dangerous, robberies if you achieve Moderate fate since it will be a panic attack battle, which can help, if your team is a little out of place and needs a couple more seconds. In addition, everyone knows how a baron steals the game in his favor suddenly, and this makes it a great possibility.


  • Mass control.
  • He can heal his allies and him.
  • Good mana recovery.
  • He is one of the champions with better mobility of Lol.
  • Has skills to escape.
  • Strong against champions like; Urgot, Yorick, Ashe, Garen, Jhin and Aatrox.


  • Difficult to play.
  • You must leave your lane in search of bells.
  • Fragile champion.
  • Weak against champions like; Morgana, Sivir, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Thresh, Jarvan IV.


  • Bardo is the first champion released in 2015.
  • Enough curious, Bard The Wonder Above is the antithesis of Rek & # 039; SaiS The Terror Beneath, going so far as to have an ability to open the portal (Magical Journey Magical Voyage and Tunnel Tunnel) as well as an object that can destroy the enemy Shrine of the Caregiver Sanctuary of the Caregiver and Tunnel Tunnel).
  • Traveler's call, Party Banquet, Kindred's Mark, Siphon Strike, Soul Furnace, and Phenomenal Evil Power are the only skills in the game that can theoretically increase statistics infinitely.
  • He is the first champion to be able to disable both Baron and Dragon (thanks to Temperate Destiny Stasis of Temperate Destiny) and the second to have only one damaging ability (Cosmic Link) the first being Master Yi (Alpha Alpha Strike Strike).
  • 'Bard: Mountain' was animated in Korea by Studio MIR (responsible for The Legend of Korra, The Boondocks, and even the Road 3 World Championship Road to the Cup video) and directed by Seung Eun Kim, as well as written and artistically guided by Riot employees (with Riot Jino as visual effects consultant).
  • The Meeps will occasionally whisper about spawning with Bard.
  • Bard is Luke 'Rabid Llama' The first Rinard champion. He used to be part of Riot's engineering team, but then he switched to Design.
  • Bard was first extracted from the names of the files of the icons of the game and, later, of the promotional images.
  • Bard comes from Proto-Celtic * bards, from PIE * gʷr̩H- dʰh₁ os "praise-maker".
  • Despite the name, Bard's theme was changed halfway between the "musical bard" (he even had an instrument) and the "cosmic being".
  • The remains of his musical theme can be seen in his weapon similar to a flute.
  • The first time a champion found them, they glowed and emitted a sound.
  • In the viewer mode, they were illuminated when the camera was focused on them.
  • At one point of development, Bard's ult used to fire a wave of global reach that silenced the enemies it hit.

The bonus was obtained from these pages:

Bonus Bard

Ashe Bard

LoL Bard

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Author – Ka-Xanx21

Author – TychyTamara

Author – scripKittie

Author – Red-Sinistra

Author – DarkMusli

Author – Trevor-Verges

To conclude, Bard is a champion that can be used in the upper tank lane, in the middle lane of AP, in the lower support rail and in several cases of jungle. Which makes him one of the most complete and most useful League Of Legends champions. And above all a champion very fun to use. I hope you liked my post about Bard!

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