The Rise of Steemit: A Steemit Ironman Challenge #1(Europa Universalis IV)

in #gaming7 years ago

Long Time, No See Steem Folk!

It's been about a week since I've been on Steemit. I took a break due to two main things. 1) I lost my assembly line job, so I've been trying to focus on finding a new job. 2) I've been mentally preparing myself for Lasik surgery, which I had done this past Saturday and I'm already so happy to be able to see without glasses. It's quite miraculous.

So while I've been away, I've been thinking of doing something special for Steemit in the best way I know, playing videogames.

So what I've done is created a custom nation in Europa Universalis IV named Steemit and I'm going to see how we can do.

The Birth of a Nation:

Since the coat of arms is the ultimate symbol of Steemit nation, I decided to try and theme it around the Steemit logo (hey that rhymed).

In addition, the people of Steemit will be called Steemians.

We're going to start in the province of Arguin in northwest Africa. It is typically an uncolonized province that is only three development and thus very poor. It's also a coastal desert and is isolated by the wasteland of El Djouf from the rest of Africa and by the Atlantic Ocean from the rest of the world.

Our leader and founder is obviously going to be Ned Scott, a free thinker and scholar. He is young and a brilliant administrator. He has no heir or consort yet.

Steemit is going to be of Atlantean culture as I feel this represents the mythical aspect of Steemit's rise from the depths. We'll be following the Norse religion, mostly because there's an interesting achievement associated with it, but also because I quite like the Norse game mechanics.

Our technology group will be Western as and we will begin as a Despotic Monarchy. This has nothing to do with how I view Steemit. They're simply personal preferences. We're starting as the lowest rank government to give ourselves more of a challenge.

Here are our traditions, ambition, and idea spread. These will be to our advantage as we unlock them throughout the game. As you can see I really like military ideas. I've also given them custom names that you can't see, but I'll try to remember to showcase them as I unlock them.

We're going to be playing in Ironman as you can see, so if we mess up, we will have to live with it and learn from it, just like in real life.

Getting Started:

First off, we devote our worship to the goddess Snorta. This gives us a reduction in cost to technology and ideas. 

It appears our starting trade resource is slaves, which isn't too great and we don't like it, but it's a sign of the times. You can see here that it will be costly to develop our capital as it is a coastal desert.

We send a merchant to the Ivory Coast to collect ducats and another to Brazil to transfer trade power to try and increase our profit.

With our technological advantage, and claims on Jolof's land fabricated, we prepare to wage war. We will have to transport our men across the bay.

We're initially outnumbered, but when Jolof's army tried to cross an uncolonized province, they were attacked by natives that hurt them badly. We take advantage of this and decimate them while they're weak.

Ned Scott's glorious battle has caused him to become a glory seeker! Glory to Steemit!

We take some land from Jolof and force them to become our vassal. They don't like this, but it's good for them to learn the word of Steemit.

Seeking friends, we turn to Morocco, who is engaged in a failing war with Portugal and Castille. Though we won't be much help to them, we hope that we can in the future grow together. This establishes our first royal marriage and we gain a consort for Ned Scott. *I had no idea that the Sunni faith allowed royal marriages with non-Muslim nations, so this is convenient as the Catholics won't marry me.

After we've expanded our influence, we decide to focus our advances internally and develop Arguin so that we can gain the knowledge of the Renaissance, which we've heard of from Italy.

Ned Scott as produced and heir! While Polydoros is lacking in administrative and diplomatic abilities, he is a brilliant military leader!

That's all for now folks!

Thanks for Reading!

I hope you all enjoyed and continue to support the nation of Steemit.

If any of you have any suggestions or advice, please feel free to comment and let me know.

You are appreciated.

This is P5ych0path, signing off.


Really enjoyed reading ur post.. Keep the good work going 😊

I'm not really into video games but enjoyed reading the story. :)

Thanks for reading!

I used to play eu4. It was good read. Keep it up!

It's changed quite a bit in the last year. Still getting used to the new mechanics. Thanks for reading!

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