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RE: A law project against boosting in Korea

in #gaming7 years ago

So boosting is like steroids but for e-sports? Not sure i follow but i thought players start fresh at the start of the tourney?

Otherwise the best player would be the ones who plays the most.


I will take the league of legends case, You play to grind the ladder structured as follow : you start bronze and try to climb to challenger (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinium, Diamond, Master, Challenger).

Pro players are generally Master or Challenger. so if you want to be scouted by pro player you have to be in this range of skill.

A normal player will never achieve this rank even if he plays all the day because it needs some skills.

So skilled player who are ranked master sell their time to boost other player by playing on their account.

So noob player can reach for exemple Diamond or Master and be able to play against pro players.

Hope it's clearer now :), sorry for the late answer wasnt here ^^

Thank you for explaining. So it is cheating to get on the ladder? Seems harsh if so but i guess not protecting the qualifying would lead to some bad matches.

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