New game ideas? What interests you?

in #gaming4 years ago (edited)

Image from google with "Reuse with modification" rights.

Thinking about developing a new game for the hive/steem blockchains. Was interested to know what people would like to play. I personally like management/strategy games, but I'm open to just about anything. This would not be anything 3D or the likes, nothing graphically insane, rather, something based in the realm of functionality as opposed to being a "pretty" game.

For anyone who's played Trimps, dCity, Dope Slinger Tycoon, or CivClicker... I'm considering a game similar to those, with maybe a hint of a pvp feature that exists in games like DrugWars or other various MMO-Strategy games in the genre.

What are your thoughts?

What theme would you like to see?

Would you like a pvp element, or purely a solo competitive element with leaderboards?
Should the pvp be impactful/a minor inconvenience? Penalties for pvp? Etc...

Rewards will likely be set by me, to ensure longevity.

Should we have our own token or use existing tokens such as dCity does? (BEER, SIM, ETC.)

I would also require some minimal help with how to store player account information/retrieve it from the blockchain in the most efficient manner. I would like to plug into Keychain (Both Hive/Steem) as well, because it is easy to go between each blockchain, based on whichever you prefer. I understand the split may have divided the community, but I believe it was absolutely vital to the heart of what decentralization is and at the same time would like to support both parties in being able to enjoy a game. Games shouldn't be exclusively able to be enjoyed by one party, in my opinion, and some people just aren't comfortable with change, so in the honor of respect for all and trying times, I want to make this available on both ends.

Thank you for your time and I hope to be providing you with something of quality and substance in the near future, that you can enjoy, that will bring new value to both blockchains and the users who've invested so much time/effort into them.

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