New Age of Empires is on the way: "Age of Empires Devinitive Edition"

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

It´s been only two weeks since I wrote about Age of Empires 2 game. I have to admit that i really enjoyed it writing since i had to go through some old pictures and videos. AOE2 was my first game addiction, and we all know how special is that first love. By a funny quincidence, microsoft just announced that a new edition of this legeandry game is on the way. It`s called "Age of Empires Devinitive Edition".

AOE series is going to celebrate its 20th birthday soon. In gaming world, where everything is in fast forward, AOE managed to stay popular for such a long time and i think they just hope that they can go another 20 years with this edition. But, is it really possible with this game?

As you might know, this is not Microsoft´s first try to seek another succes with AOE. Gamers had great expectiations when the 3rd game was on the way, but it was a real disappointmen. I think the real problem was that Microsoft did not see what AOE fans really wanted. It wasn`t a new game we were looking for. In general, the game was already perfect. What it needed was improvements. It seems, after so many years, Microsoft is finally getting the point. Here is the first video of Definitive Edition.

According to Adam Isgreen, who is the creative director at Microsoft, the game will have 4k visuals. There will be new camera modes as well as zoom in and zoom out options. I think these improvements are nice, but if that´s all they have to offer, i won´t even bother to buy the game. As far as i can see from the video, terrain is poor. Water and trees are not any good either. I would really think that they would add some weather changes like snow and rain which could bring a totally different atmosphere to battles in the game. It is still early to make a conclusion, but so far, i am not happy at all.

Yeni "Age of Empires" oyunu yolda:

Yaklasik iki hafta once "Age Of Empires 2" oyunu ile ilgili bir yazi paylastim. Itiraf etmeliyim ki, bu yaziyi yazarken gercekten cok keyif almistim. Bu nortaljik oyunun resimlerine bakmak, videosunu izlemek beni o eski gunlere goturmustu. Ne de olsa bu oyun benim bilgisayardaki ilk aliskanligimdi ve sizlerinde bildigi gibi ilkler her zaman ozeldir. Sansa bakin ki, Microsoft birkac gun once bu efsanevi oyunun yeni sürümünün yolda olduğunu açıkladı.

AOE serisi yakinda 20. yilini kutlacayacak. Herseyin 10 kat daha hizli ilerledigi oyun dunyasinda, AOE bu kadar uzun sure populer kalmayi basardi, ve saniyorum bu yeni surum ile 20 yil daha oyle kalmayi umuyorlar. Peki bu oyunla bunu basarmalari mumkun mu?

Bildiginiz gibi bu, Microsoft´un AOE serisi uzerinden yeni bir basari aradigi ilk deneme degil. 3. oyunun cikacagi bilgileri geldiginde oyunun fanatikleri cok buyuk beklenti icine girmisti. Tabi AOE2´nin yaninda, 3. youn buyuk bir hayal kirikligi yaratmisti. Saniyorum ki bu basarisizligin sebebi Microsoft´un AOE severlerin tam olarak ne istediklerini anlayamamasindan kaynaklanmisti. Onlar yeni bir oyundan ziyade, serinin en basarili surumu olan 2. oyunun gelistirlmis bir versiyonunu bekliyordu. Gorunen o ki, Microsoft aradan gecen o kadar senenin sonunda bunu anlamis. Iste "Age of Empires Definitive Edition" videosu.

Microsoft Studios'un Kreatif Direktoru Adam Isgreen´in verdigi kisa bilgilere gore, oyun 4k grafik destegi ile geliyor. Bunun yaninda yeni kamera modlar ile birlikte oyuncular yakinlastirma ve uzaklastirma ozelliklerine sahip olacak. Bu gelismeler gercekten guzel, ama yeni oyunun tum getirdigi yenilik kamera ve goruntu uzerineyse, ben satin almayacagimi kesinlikle soyleyebilirim. Video´dan gordugum kadari ile, araziler de buyuk gelismeler yok. Oyundaki deniz ve agaclarda cok iyi durmuyor. Bu sefer kar ve yagmur gibi hava degisiklikleri getirmelerini beklerdim. Oyundaki savaslara gercekten cok farkli bir hava katardi. Henuz ilk video ile bir sonuca varmak dogru degil, ama simdiye kadar gorduklerimden hic memnun olmadigimi soyleyebilirim.


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