League of Legends - Game Review - the dragon in the lol - lol#27

in #gaming7 years ago


Dragon is a monster on the map Summoner's Rift, dragon is a very powerful creature in League of Legends, it is considered the second strongest monster and only after Baron Nashor. Since the launch of the League of Legends, the dragons have been constantly changing and gaining strength through the seasons. I remember the first season when I joined the lightest dragons, when I knocked down the dragons it brought me strength. When defeating the dragons, all my teammates receive ammunition from it. At that time, as many dragons are defeated, the cumulative spell is brought up to 5 times. Dragons are always a hot spot on the Summoner's Rift map, the dragons bring gold to all teams, which is what every team wants to have it, the gold equivalent of a tower, which represents the dragon cave is a hot spot.

Dragons have some kind of element

Unlike the previous season, the dragons and dragons also changed each season. I remember in the year 2015 the dragons it was only the nature of a kind of dragons it gives the player the same, since the League of Legends was bought by China from the European dragon instead. completely replaced. Now on the map Summoner's Rift will not be able to display the color of the dragons instead of the multicolored dragons. There are all four elements from the dragon, each element giving different amulets to the player. Especially after the 35th minute will appear a thousand-year-old dragon, look very large and blood of the dragon a lot. The magic that dragons thousand years old night is extremely large. Damage caused will burn the opponent, more specifically it will increase the effect of any previous dragon is currently on the general. The dragons carry a natural element of heaven and earth, that is Fire - Earth - Water - Wind. In a match, there will be no such occurrences:

There can be no more than 3 different elemental dragons appearing in a match. There can not be more than three of the same type of Dragon appearing in one match. There will be a total of six elemental dragons in the game, and here I say six elemental dragons appear in the dragon cave after 35 minutes, the thousand-year-old dragon will appear. Since the first dragon appears, if you can eat up to 6, it is very difficult to find another elemental dragon or element that has just been destroyed. After you defeat a elemental dragon, the dragon's cave will appear as a prime, and you can see which element will appear next. These new elemental dragons are much more powerful than before, what gives us that? Bring back all of the attack and ammunition that it provides to the player, unlike the dragons before that when you defeat you will no longer receive gold as before. Now I will go into each dragon to learn more about them.

Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon is probably the most powerful element dragon among the four elemental dragons. It is in my own opinion, now I will say why the Dragon is so strong. Why is Dragon Dragon the strongest dragon? That is a very interesting question, in my opinion Dragon Fire gives power to the player. A player-owned Fire Dragon gains an additional 8% magic power and physical damage, where if you eat two fire dragons you will receive 16%, so the 3 fire dragons will be 24 %. Especially if you eat the thousand-year-old dragon it will double the amount of power from the fire dragon. I have consulted many players and also commented on this fire dragon is the strongest dragon of the four elements. The strength of it is great in the early stages of the game, which is an advantage for you, and later on it has the advantage, but it only affects a small part of the player, the player must depend on skill. Dragon Fire gives you the amount of power to affect your enemy, not to destroy monsters or destroy buildings faster.

Earth Dragon

Earth Dragon, this is the dragon that brings a lot to your team. It is always the destination for the player, looking at the power it brings, not one player leaves the element dragon. The power it gives the player is to give the player the ability to deal additional damage to mobs and buildings, unlike the elemental dragon that has no effect on the opponent. If you eat a dragon, it gives you 10% of your standard damage, 2 times it will increase to 20%, so 3 of it will give you 30%. Ồ 30% is a very big number, eating Baron or building of enemies or even other dragons will be very easy. If you eat a thousand-year-old dragon, you will gain 50% of the dragons you eat. The power that land drag brings so great, it is easy for your team to set the game as you want. In the professional games of the players focus and large works, the appearance of the dragon land is an ideal destination for professional gamers, because the power it brought back in the beginning. They are very interested in fighting at the beginning, usually at the end of the game they begin to fight, which shows the team has the land dragon and create the initial advantage is easy to match the game.

Water Dragon

Water Dragon, perhaps this is the dragon that all players consider to be the weakest in the game. In my opinion the real power it brings in just the first 10 minutes, giving you the ability to heal, heal or mana that is inevitable. Why is it considered the weakest among the other speeding dragons? It only gives the player a little recovery ability, the return ability only applies to the champion is deficient to energy. In a game where the dragon is water or not for the player is not interested, only when you see no target children do you eat the dragon this water. If you eat a water dragon, the power it gives you is 4% health and energy regeneration, 2 of which will be 8%, then 3 of 12%. When there is a thousand-year-old dragon, it will be doubled in number. What the dragons do is give the teams a sense of distance and give you the ability to recover.

Wind Dragon

Winds are not as high as other elemental dragons, but wind dragons will bring some strength to the player. The power it gives is only increasing its movement speed, increasing its movement speed is something of a certain advantage. Speed

up the movement of copper. It is thought that in the fighting phase you can go in very well, in the chasing phase as well as fleeing it to help you maximum travel. If you eat 1 wind dragon you will get 15 movement speed outside the fight, 2 children will get 30 speed, 3 children will get 45 speed. It is your child's advantage when you have to go to a certain goal. Wind does not come in handy when you fight or attack an enemy, it does not give you the strength to increase instead of just speeding you apart.

Elder Dragon

Elder Dragon, this is the strongest dragon in the dragon appeared in the game. Its power is so great, it can be said that it is stronger than the Baron charm in the fighting phase. Elder Dragon appears to be the destination of all teams, forced to dispute this dragon. Elder Dragon will appear after 35 minutes, there will be fierce battles, although you do not have a element that must dispute the Elder Dragon, because it falls into the hands of the other elements. This will be very bad for your team. Unlike other dragons, Elder Dragon only lasts for 2 minutes, Elder Dragon Charm will help you control the game and the game. Should the dispute be irrevocable, if you eat are dodged will enemy match.


The appearance of elemental dragons will change part of the match face. Its advantage is that it gives the player a lot of leeway, variety, ability to fight, speed to improve, making your team's tactics more perfect. Some dragons are the deciding factors of the game. In the scene where the elemental dragons are beneficial in the first minute and match the match. Hang dragon is the place where the attacks occur. They will do all they can to get the power of one or many different speeds.

Final World has just finished a video to appear Dragon Elder Dragon is very beautiful and lively.

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