Reactivated my Warcraft Account and Blew off some steam in the new raid! Azeroth might actually be Ancient Earth...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

I lead and pugged the new raid and got everything but the last 4 bosses down. Ran outta time... :(

Shrap is the tiny dwarf in front :P 2/4/9 config... My PC can't handle raids larger than that haha!

Needed to cool my jets in Argus after this past weekend...

New storyline spoilers are amazing btw!

Planets are titan seedlings! Sargeras corrupted the world soul of Argus before it hatched in order to use Argus as a tool to prevent other world souls from being corrupted by the void.

It's taking Illidan's logic to the extreme degree... Sargera's is protecting his people at the expense of everyone else by doing the same thing the void is doing to the world souls. There's also a 5th world tree that only exists in the dream/nightmare in Un'Goro Crater which looks to be the heart of Azeroth (Which is a titan soul seedling) And Sargeras misses the heart with his sword and strikes Silithus instead...

Story is getting quite epic! Somewhat implies that every planet is a neural net matrix of souls training their world soul until it is matured and developed to be released as a titan... Pretty Cool!!!

This also mean that Azeroth is not a planet per-say but a physical being that hasn't been fully formed yet. Eventually "Azeroth" the titan is destined to walk the stars and the worry is that if Zeroth were to be corrupted by the old gods and by proxy the void, then Azeroth as a herald of the void would be an unstoppable force of corruption and destruction within the universe. There is apparently something special about the Azeroth titan. It is a special titan among the titans... Somewhat how Eonar is special...

Also this leans credence to an old theory I had that Azeroth is actually ancient Earth....As they refer to it as Earth or the earth all the time. So with this new logic, we can make speculation that Azeroth has always been Earth or that once a titan world soul leaves it's seedling planet, the husk of a planet that is left is simply referred to as Earth or simply dirt...As it no longer contains the essence of Azeroth... Or any planet that once contained a world soul titan might become "an Earth" once the titan hatches... Very interesting development, imo...


Nice.....follow me.... upvote and commet back

Here's a great video I stumbled on that theorizes and explains a bit about what is going on! long video but he explains very well and it is a bit nostalgic if you played WOW since Vanilla.

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